Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday to Claire!!!!

Tomorrow is Claire's first birthday!! WOW!! Most people say, "I just can't believe it's flown by that quickly" and that is true. But I really want to be honest and say "We survived It and really ended up loving every minute of it (the last six months)!" Ever since claire's really hard start to life, she has been an absolute dream. But we wouldn't take back a minute of it. God made us stronger and she was worth all the sleep deprivation, dr. appts. and more! She is such a blessing and JOY to be around. Chris and I stand in awe just amazed at what God has given us. We NEVER would have dreamed that we would say we are glad they are so close in age!! :) They love each other and we love watching them. They both think each other hung the moon! We are having Claire's family party next wednesday, so you'll see all the pictures then.

Claire is crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything, and walking along the furniture. She took a while to crawl, but it looks like walking will definitely be in the next month sometime. She still LOVES to eat and doesn't waste any food! I just want to squeeze those thighs and cheeks all the time. She is very kissable!!! Claire is also really a funny baby! She tries to copy everything Wells does, so it's hysterical what she comes up with. They play hide and seek in the curtains, she makes a "freeze" face that makes Chris and I cry we laugh so hard (sorry i couldn't get the video to load) and she just laughs all the time. We could not ask for anything more! To fit in with our family, you just need to laugh a lot!

Happy Birthday sweet Claire Bear! We love you and could not imagine life without you! Our cups runneth over!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We are loving Football Season!

Well, we are already two weeks into the football season so I have to do a post! My kids are both being good sports right now and both throw their hands up for touchdown, and Wells has got "Roll Tide" and touchdown Alabama mastered! He loves "ballgames" of any kind! He takes after me and really does enjoy watching football! I took him to a Vestavia Hills High School football game a couple of weeks ago and he LOVED it! He constantly talks about going back.

Chris and I have been lucky enough the past two weeks to actually go to the Alabama games alone! Yaz and Papa have so graciously kept the kiddos for the day AND night so that we could enjoy our first two games. THANK YOU!!!! This is the first season I haven't been pregnant in a while so it was a BLAST!! We had so much fun and as much as we missed the kids, it was a needed break and such a fun time. I just LOVE fall for so many reason, but football is definitely number 1!! I hope you are enjoying it too! (The pics above are at Yaz and Papa's. They love playing their piano, eating spaghetti with them, and just playing with all their fun toys! They love Yaz and Papa and love it there!)
(On a side note...All the great birmingham consignment sales are coming up in the next two weeks! Mountain Chapel's Kids Korner is thursday night from 4-8 and Friday morning from 9-2. There is tons of stuff! I'll be working so come see me!)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wells LOVES school!

Wells started 2 year old preschool this week!!! Everyone asked me if it made me sad and my answer was NO! I of course miss him, but he LOVES it and it really makes me appreciate my time with him that much more!! Because he's such a mama's boy, I was afraid of tears and not wanting to go, but boy was I wrong!! He walked right in the door like a big boy and met his cousin Max at the door. Max was so sweet to walk him down the hall and show him the ropes at preschool! He couldn't wait to go again today and actually sat at the garage door with his bag waiting on me for an hour! He played with is toys there just in case I decided to leave without him!!! :) He goes tuesdays and thursdays and Claire goes to Mother's Day Out on Tuesdays so I have one day from 9-12 to get a ton done!! This first Tuesday was awesome but extremely tiring trying to cram in so much into those hours. I really am sooooo proud of Wells and love that he loves his teacher "Echols" (miss is just left out!) so much. He physically shakes with excitement when he talks about her!

This first picture is what Wells now loves to do...hit the baseball off the tee! Check out his face!

He also LOVES putting on his shoes, especially his rain boots!
Here is the infamous "Echols". His school is so precious. The 2 and 3 year old teachers come and visit each child in their class before the school year begins. It definitely helped Wells because he was in love at first sight!

Here is his bag that every child at his school carries until they are 5 and leave for big school. It is hilarious to see the difference between the big 5 year olds carrying the bags and these babies!! But he is determined to carry it and put it on the hook at home and at school.

Here is our "First Day of School" picture. It will be a tradition from here on out! I can't wait to look back and see just how tiny he was when I sent him off to school!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Can you believe it??

Claire turned 11 months on Wednesday and she came alive this week!!! She would like to tell you a few things!

"Y'all are not going to believe it! I'm crawling!! Mom is so proud. I think she was afraid I'd never move. I'm also really good at it!"

"I'm just so amazed with myself! Mom, I seriously don't know where I threw my glasses. I know you said they are expensive, but aren't I worth it?"

"Not only am crawling, but I'm pulling up and standing all day long! I've really been holding out so that all my tricks will come out at once! Everyone is giving me all the attention! Sorry Wells...not really :)"

"Okay mom, I'm trying to be humble more pictures. I'll fill everyone in on more accomplishments at my year mark. But just so y'all know, I only weighed 20 pounds at my appointment and was in the 40th percentile for weight. Mom and Dad were worried about that one. Dad keeps kidding mom that she is going to put me on weight watchers. I don't know what that is, but if she takes away my bananas and goldfish, we are going to have serious problems. Oh, and I was in the 85% for height!!! I am going to totally tower over my brother. It's going to be awesome!"

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers