He seriously hated it and continued to scream until Chris took him out of the pool.
So, then we tried the beach. He LOVED the sand and headed for it face first. Thank goodness! We were getting worried.
Here is our stud in his surfer get up! I got this fun outfit for 3 dollars on clearance last summer! And his dandaddy (my dad) bought him his Masters hat.
"I caught one mom!"
"You think I could ride this thing?"
As long as daddy held him, he was just fine! He loved staring at the big ocean!
and in his mouth! Unfortunately, he liked the taste of sand and ocean water! Sick
"Why don't you feed me this daily, mom?"
We had a night out on the town with Wells. We went to Captain Andersons in PCB. We love this restaurant!
Just to let you know...he finally got in the pool and enjoyed it...as long as we held him tight! We had such an awesome time at the beach! Thanks Melinda for letting us go with you! Wells slept AWESOME! He did better on his naps there in a pack and play than he does at home! He had a blast and so did we. Chris' quote of the week was, "the beach is waaaaay different with a baby!" Considering we only got outside about 2 hours max a day, I had to agree! But it is so neat to go with a child and be a family at the beach! We loved every minute of it.