Monday, March 29, 2010

1st Easter Egg Hunt!

Happy Easter!!! Wells participated in his first Easter Egg hunt this morning with kids in our sunday school class. We have had a mom's group for the past two years and decided to do a hunt with all 10 of them today. It was precious and just so much fun. The children are all 2 and under so it was chaos, but beautiful chaos! Wells was really good at it and clearly understood the eggs went in his basket! Claire spent the morning with my mom because she only naps in her crib (fun fun) so Wells and I got to enjoy some one on one time enjoying spring and gathering eggs! Check out some of the precious kids above!
This is one of my favorite holidays of the year!!!!! I love springtime, I love going outside, and I LOVE the cold weather going away until next year (hopefully)! These children need a break from the cold and flu season! It has been a ROUGH winter with everyone being sick all the time. I think all mothers can give an "Amen" to that! But more than anything I love the reminder of Christ's death and resurrection and why we have hope and a purpose. I am reminded each day through the eyes of my children of what our God gave up...His only that we could be forgiven of our sins and one day join our Lord and Savior in Heaven. What a gorgeous, amazing, and truly unbelieveable gift. I pray our children will learn this and truly grasp it from a young age.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

We have a new CUTE line

I told you I would periodically post business stuff on this blog, and this one is a must! We try to pick up one new line or two a year and this one is so FUN and cute, especially for those of you with kiddos or for those of you who need gifts for kids! We have picked up the "Notably You" line from "Notably Inviting" out of Dothan, Alabama. They have PRECIOUS personalized designs that can be put on tons of items!! Here are some examples (not the bests pics because they are our pics) and soon their website will be up and running so that you can see all they offer. For now, you will have to see our catalog and schedule an appointment with us or better yet...come to our spring show! We'll be announcing the date soon. Here is a list of what they offer:
Water Bottles
Chore Charts
T-shirts, onesies, daygowns, rompers
Bibs and burpcloths
Lots of stationery items (bag tags, calling cards, notepads, stationery, etc.)
The pictures don't really do justice to how cute this stuff is! Email us, leave a comment on our blog or call us if you want to come see the catalog, get prices, etc. As soon as we can see their website, we will post it and post prices so that you won't have to come over. You can just email or call us with your order and we'll call when it comes in! That is what we do most of the time with all of our other companies. We hope you think this is as cute as we do!!! If you know anyone getting married, having babies who need announcements, or if you just need stationery or gifts, please give us a shout! Thanks!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The New Claire!

Okay, I just had to share these pictures of Claire. She has always been precious to us, but now that she is so much happier, calm, and relaxed, she is so much fun to be around!! I just Praise the Lord for how He has healed Claire so far. Of course we praised Him in the midst of all of this as well, but we are so thankful to be on the upside of it. Just thought you might want to see the sweet faces of Claire that we now get to see "most" of the day! Thanks again for the prayers! By the way, Yaz (chris' mom) made this sweet dress! :) Isn't it precious?! And my parents gave her the sweet white "frilly" outfit! Thank you grandparents!! We LOVE you!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Paper With Purpose Spring Sales!!

Hey Ya'll! Okay, well i have an AWESOME post below if you haven't read it yet, but I'm going to start doing a post for our business every now and then. During the spring, lots of our companies have great sales for mother's day gifts, graduation, father's day, weddings, etc. So make sure you check our company blog frequently to see what is new! It is easy enough that all you have to do is go to our website or our blog and just email us with your order ( DO NOT ORDER from the websites we send you to b/c then we wouldn't get the credit or give you the fun deals! Anyways, go to our blog to see the latest sale and my sister is updating it everyday this week with the newest sales for the spring. Also, if you or anyone you know is getting married, send them our way! We LOVE to do weddings with people. We carry tons of unique invitations, but we also do thank you notes, programs, napkins, etc. And we will meet with the customer one on one. If you refer a wedding and they order, you get FREE STATIONERY! :) Okay, here is the latest post from today and remember to check our blog frequently. I have a link on the side of this page as well. thanks!! Dana

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hallelujah!!!!!! And Happy 5 and 19 months!

Okay...let me just scream HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Claire is better and she is sleeping most of the night as of 3 days ago!!!!! This 5 month mark has changed our lives! I want to praise God for the changes in Claire. It is like a light switched on in her little body. We have been going to a chiropractor (nicole at balance chiropractic) twice a week for the last month and it is has done wonders. We have been able to go to bethanecol alone and drop two medications. We have also basically hired the baby whisperer in the flesh. Sandra Harris agency is a babysitting agency and she specializes in baby bootcamps (getting babies on schedules and sleeping through the night) and she knows EXACTLY what to do with bad reflux/GI babies. We hired her service and have talked with her several times over the phone. I will not reveal what she told me to do b/c that would be illegal, but she put us on a strict schedule, gave us TONS of things to try with Claire (and it has not been easy) and they all worked. She is like a new baby. Claire is so calm it is amazing. She was supposed to come to our house 24-7 from today through thursday but we got to cancel her since claire is only waking up once a night (which i can deal with for sure!). So as I do think these two women have changed our lives, of course I give God all the credit for putting them in our lives. Nicole is a good friend and Sandra was recommended by my sister who uses her for her babysitting service. So PRAISE THE LORD. Not only is she a new baby, but we are a new family. We feel like we won the lottery! She still has some allergies we think to the formula but we are working on that. So continue to pray!
Okay as far as the monthly post goes, here are updates:
Claire: obviously a new baby!! she blows bubbles, and makes the motorboat sound with her mouth which is hilarious b/c it's all day! She also laughs a lot more and is SLEEPING!!!!
Wells: He is putting words together, copying the words in the books he has memorized, running everywhere, climbing into the sinks from the toilet (fun for me), using his manners saying please, thank you, yes mam and sir, and I'm sorry. It's very wild and cute all at the same time! and thankfully he is still loving his "sissy" and kisses her all the time.
We are one happy household and THANK the LORD for everything he has done and again even though we aren't totally through it, we are thankful for where we are. And as I have said before, as hard as it has been, we are thankful for God taking us through it because we know He has taught us A LOT and will use us for others in the future. Thanks for the prayers!!!!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers