1) Shake Shakes- These are what Wells eats at least once a day. See, Wells has become really really picky with food and somewhat of a vegetarian(as do most almost 2 year olds) and I'm tired of fighting him. Soooooo, I make "shake shakes", as we like to call them at the Sheheane household. These contain blueberries, bananas, frozen fruit that comes in a bag from costco, ice, water or milk, spinach, and sometimes protein powder or peanut butter. Before you tell me how mean I am, you need to try it. I usually drink what is leftover in the magic bullet. It is GOOD! And Wells loves them. Try them! Just add whatever food group you think your child needs!! :) My mom used to put brocolli in our pancakes, so I guess I am becoming my mother. I'll take a picture sometime and put it on here.
2)The New Claire (and possibly Wells)- I hope you thought the post of Claire in her sunglasses a while back was cute because you're going to be seeing a lot pics like that! Yep, at 7 months old we are getting glasses. To make a long story short, Claire had craniosytosis when she was born. Her left side of her skull didn't develop like it should have because of the way she sat in my womb. I was really disturbed a while back because I always noticed her left eye, ear, and side of her head a little bit lower. After lots of x-rays, worry, and doctors visits, they decided it would eventually grow with the rest of her as she got bigger and would look totally normal. The only thing to worry about after that was her sight and alignment of her eyes. We went on Monday and he said she definitely isn't using her left eye to see and if we'd waited any longer to come to see him we would have noticed a major lazy eye. So she will have a blank lens in her right frame and a strong lens in her left frame. I was really distraught as I wasn't prepared for this, but then God revealed to me that this is a MUCH better option than surgery and I just needed to get over it. Reality is that I always think kids are cute in glasses! It's just hard to think that anything is wrong with your child. Wells is probably getting them in the fall as well. They both have astigmatisms inherited from my dad and I, but they are much worse than mine. I strongly suggest going to get your child's eyes checked if you haven't already because there are so many things that the Doctors can fix now that could be potential dangers or set-backs later in life. There is a program called the infant-see program for 6-12 month olds that is free. Eye Care Associates everywhere have this program. I saw a pediatric opthamologist for Claire though and he is AWESOME. If you want his name and number, just leave me a comment.
3) A sickly household- so we went 4 weeks of NO SICKNESS and I was elated!! But the fever virus struck this week with a vengence. Wells had 103.8 for two days and we are now at 100 even with tylenol and motrin. We are off to the doctor at 8:15 in the morning. Please pray it's not strep...he is holding his throat. We Praise the Lord for the 4 weeks of good health and pray that we will get healthy again!!
Now onto random pictures:
heat settles in for the day. Usually I take both
kids (obviously or I'd be leaving one kid at home)
but Chris took Wells to the office for a little bit
to give me a break this morning! Claire loves the stroller and
also loves to eat! check out those arms and if you could only
see her thighs!!! :) Gotta love baby fat!!!
tell I'm excited!
He wants in her booster seat to eat (which is exactly like his)
in her "pink" swing, in her jumperoo, and he sits in her bumbo
in her "pink" swing, in her jumperoo, and he sits in her bumbo
all the time. He is definitely a hand-full, but I love every minute
with him. (except when he locked himself in my bedroom
today for 20 minutes while I panicked and he terrorized the