Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Beach!!! (no oil...yet)

So, we just got back from the beach a couple of hours ago. WE.ARE.EXHAUSTED!! It was so nice to get away as a family of four, but very challenging. Chris and I decided it was worth every bit of trouble just to be with our family. We LOVED it! We got lots of stares (as usual) and lots of "how close in age are they?" (as usual) but we know this is what God had for us all along and we are embracing it to the best of our ability! We love our two and they LOVE LOVE LOVE each other! We pray this continues throughout their lives. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but just know that most of our hours were spent in the room with one or both of them napping! The pictures you are seeing are one of two times that we would rush to the pool or beach to play. Oh...and we were out at the pool or beach in the same amount of time as it took to get prepared to go out there! :) The joys of two babies!! What a blessing though that we got to go! Thank you Yaz and Papa for letting us go to your beach place!
ps. Claire isn't in her glasses because she broke them the day we left :)
(so those of you who said, "i can't believe she keeps them on her face"...she doesn't anymore and chews them.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy 8 Months to the New Claire!

Okay, so I've already given you an update earlier in the week so here are pictures of our sweet Claire in glasses and I really can't believe she is 8 months (except for the fact that she now gets her thighs stuck in the bumbo seat :) And don't you love that she looks so smart while watching the computer! I just loved that picture!!! (Wells 22 month post will come later. He hasn't cooperated for any pictures lately!)

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers