Hey Friends! So tomorrow, Monday September 15th, marks week six for Wells. He is getting more and more fun everyday! I received my first "real" smile this past week! I could never imagine that it would melt my heart like that! I even got a little teary! He is still pretty serious most of the time, but I know this won't last long if he really has my personality. I just hope the poor child doesn't get my laugh or he'll be ridiculed for life!! Chris is for sure that he does because he never wants to nap or go to sleep at night...still. We're at most doing 4 hour stretches on a good night. He is really afraid of missing out on some fun! He loves his bouncy seat as you can tell in the pics! Many of you have asked how Vedder, our dog, has done with him. As you can tell in the picture, he literally watches him all day with me! He is either under my feet or Wells' body at all times. It's really sweet, but 100 pounds of lab can sort of get in the way. Wells also loves his Alabama outfits. He has a different one for almost every game! Our friends know us well!! :) I had to take a picture last night of Wells and Chris in their matching outfits! And of course his cousin Max still wants to be around him all the time! He likes to be right in his face and I think Wells likes it! He usually follows him with his eyes everywhere. We are really loving every minute with him because he is already just growing so fast! He is almost 11 pounds...scary! What can I say...he likes food! God has really blessed us with this sweet angel who is really laid back and easy (besides the no sleep!). We have yet to hear an all out cry...knock on wood!! I'll send more pics next week! I'm ready to spend time with lots of you soon!
I feel as if this comment will be both encouraging and discouraging (sorry). I want you to know that you are doing great, you're a wonderful mom and i KNOW what it feels like to get little sleep, if any :)
I had a really, really hard time at first with Vale because a lot of my friends (and family...) said to me their child starting sleeping through the night at 4 weeks and "why isn't Vale sleeping well yet?" As if it was my fault! Then, once 8 weeks rolled around, she still wasn't sleeping all the way through the night...then 12 weeks...then 3 months...then, well, honestly, she still isn't consistently sleeping the whole night through every night. But, she's doing way better, though, and I am getting more and more sleep.
Many mornings I do feel as if I just got through with a junior high lock in with no nap in sight for the afternoon...
All this to say, don't get discouraged (if you are, even a little bit) You're doing exactly what you need to do to get that little man to sleep and grow and that's loving him and feeding him and helping him try to sleep. It will happen, and though it's hard to remember that at 12 am and again at 3:30 am and again at 7 am...someday he's going to figure out he needs and loves to sleep and he'll go for longer stretches.
I am praying for you today and I am glad that you guys seem to be doing well and are happy. You're beautiful and so is your family.
Hey Dana, try buying a swaddling sack from Babies R' Us (Kidopatomus - I think my spelling is off). They are $10 and worth every penny. The first night Copeland slept in one, he slept all night. Up until then, he was waking 3 times at night to eat. I did not know all about the swaddling thing when Mary Caroline was little. She did not sleep through the night until she was 8 months old. Also, you might be against using formula, but if you give him a bottle just at night, he might go longer between feedings. I had to resort to formula at night with Copeland. I promise it does not make you a bad mother.
If I ever have a 3rd I will swaddle from day 1. Just an FYI. Wells is adorable and we miss you. Hopefully we can come see you soon.
Love, Betsy Styles
Dana, I think 4 hour stretches at 6weeks sounds good. Give it a few more weeks and I bet you will both start getting some more sleep. The pictures are great. I can't believe how much he looks like Chris. As for inheriting your laugh, the world could use a lot more of that laugh!!
Wells is so cute!! I can't wait to see you guys in person. Hang in there . . . Around week 7 or 8, Bradley made some great sleeping strides. Then he hit a growth spurt at week 12, and it was back to waking up every 3 hours! One thing I've learned is that as soon as you think you've found a pattern, something is bound to change. :)
I'm also a huge fan of swaddling sleep sacks (Kiddopotomus) . . . You'd think I'm trying to suffocate the poor boy with how tightly I wrap him!
Another trick that's worked well for us is giving Bradley a bottle of formula as his last feeding. They say it takes their systems longer to digest, helping them sleep better. Tried that at 3 1/2 months and only wish I'd done it sooner!
Love to the Sheheanes! Hope to visit soon.
dana!!! so good to hear from you and see you in the blog world. i too have checked out your blog from time to time and am finally adding it to mine! you live in b-ham!! let's get together!
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