Okay, so we didn't go to the pumpkin patch like everyone else I know, but we do love the fall! I definitely want to go, but I think I'll wait until next year when Wells is hopefully sleeping well and happy more hours of the day!! So I decided to put him in one of his cute halloween outfits and take some pictures. I'll definitely post more on the actual halloween, but these were too cute not to post! He really is smiling and having so much more fun each and everyday! So I have to capture it for all my friends. We talk to each other all day! He makes noises seriously all day long. He is definitely going to be a talker...just like me! I'm ready for the giggle to come out to see if he has my obnoxious laugh!! He had a fun playdate with Little Dale Serrano (Suzanne Olcott Serrano's little boy). Wells was very serious around him, but I just figured it was because he was jealous of his hair! I have another fun post coming from this past weekend, Wells' first Alabama game experience on the quad! I just don't have the pictures yet. I hope everyone is enjoying this cool weather as much as we are!!! Enjoy it while it lasts before it gets so cold that no one wants to go out!
super cute pics of wells in his halloween outfits! cant wait to see his halloween costume
Too cute! Loving the updates - your blog page is so cute and mine is so boring - love you!
I am obsessed with that top right picture of him. His face is PRECIOUS!
Dana, He is a beautiful baby. I can't wait to see him in person. I was reading some of your other postings about not sleeping. Owen is the same way. He naps pretty good during the day and will sleep in his car seat but at night we can only make it to around 12:30 these days. I normally nurse him around 8:30 and then put him down. He wakes at 12:30 and then he wakes probably every 2 hours. I am probaly not doing the right thing but he starts off in his bed on his tummy and then after the first waking he stays in bed with me. I am exhausted so I nurse laying down and then never get up to put him back in his bed. I did Cole the same way and he sleeps without problem in his big boy bed now. I will stop one day but sometimes you just do what you have to do. Hang in there. It will get better and just know you are not alone.
Dana, first, Congrats on baby Wells. He is adorable! I need to see him in person. Second, Happy Late Birthday! I can't believe we are 29 already! He is a very cute pumpkin. We need to have a play date soon! I miss you tons and I know you are enjoying being at home with him. Hang in there with the sleep issue. He'll get it. We are still working with Ella Joy (20 months) on it at times. Love you!!
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