So we are getting tubes in the morning at 6 a.m. For anyone reading before then, please pray. I know this is a regular procedure/surgery that is done all the time. It is just really hard for me to imagine giving my child up to have him put to sleep. I just want the poor child to feel good, quick shaking his head back and forth, and to nap more than 30 minutes at a time. I pray it all goes well! I'll keep you posted. I'm so sorry for the lack of posts this week! I've been really busy with a spring show for my stationery business, getting those orders in, and trying to get things done at the house before tomorrow. Wells turned 8 months yesterday which seems so crazy!!! I don't have my camera b/c I left it at my sister's house, so I'll take pics and post in the next couple of days with updates on Wells. Thanks for your prayers. Oh, and as far as my pregnancy goes, (thanks for asking lots of you) I'm feeling great!! Praise the Lord!! :)