Okay, so here are pictures finally! Sorry it's been so long. Not only did I not post pictures for Wells' 8 months birthday, but I haven't posted any pictures of my new nephew Elliott!! I feel terrible!! So here you go! These are all three boys (Max, Elliott, and Wells). My sister, Robyn, and I love that they get to see each other all the time and we pray that they will grow up and be best friends! If my next baby is a boy...watch out world for these boys! And if it's a girl, she's going to have to be tough!!!
Wells has been such a joy this past month. He is rolling everywhere! He is getting up on all fours and just rocking...he can't quite figure out how to move those legs yet! He is also beginning to eat some real food, not just baby food. He LOVES puffs (the sweet potato ones), he is okay with mushed up bananas, and he chokes on cheerios! So we are only at the beginning of the table foods! He is smiling a ton and laughing more, but I chalk that up to the tubes from monday. Wells is still adjusting to the tubes, but overall he is loving life! He has decided sleep is now totally for the birds because there is just so much to hear around him! He is making hilarious noises and talks to himself more than ever! I'm so glad he has them. I just pray he will begin to sleep...I was really hoping this would improve with tubes and not get worse! :) I'm sure it will take a little while to get used to everything for him. Hopefully you'll get to see more cute pictures on Easter Sunday. We are blessed enough to do Easter with both families!
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