So the title of the post sums this up! Claire Christine Sheheane was born at 11:20 a.m. on Thursday, October 1st, 2009. The labor was a cakewalk (praise the Lord) and she was born in fifteen minutes after beginning to push. After Wells 24 hour process and 3 hours of pushing, God blessed me with this labor!! She weighed in at 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. She is just precious. Now this was the only exciting news we've had. The "Please Pray" part comes in because from the get go she had some troubles. She couldn't hold her temperature well, so she went on the warmer twice while we were in the hospital. Her bili rubin count continued to rise, but we weren't surprised as wells was on the phototherapy light last year for five days because of jaundice. I was trying so hard and praying this would not happen with Claire. I fed her every 2 hours, supplemented with formula and pumped EVERY feeding trying to avoid all of this. But when you have a history of it in the family, we've realized it's something that can't be beat. So we left the hospital with Claire on Saturday afternoon and went straight to the pediatrician on Sunday morning. Saturday night I just knew something wasn't right. She squirmed and fussed anytime that I didn't have her on my chest and we both slept 1 hour all night. So the next morning at the doctor Claire's temp was really low and her bili count had doubled. The words from our ped. were "go straight to the hospital". So after many many tears, and prayers we checked her into the NICU at Brookwood. God gave us blessing after blessing once we got there. A good friend from church works three 12 hour shifts and week and was there THE DAY we had Claire and then again when we checked her in yesterday. Wow, it was so comforting in the midst of my tears. Claire has still not kept her temp very well, but her bili count has finally gone way down. We go every three hours (really every two b/c we are there an hour for feeding) to visit with her and it all feels like a bad dream. We know she is in the best care in the world and we LOVE Brookwood, but it's really hard. We look around though and just praise the Lord that she was on time and not a premie, and she is definitely one of the healthiest in there. We are waiting to hear results from all the tests and just praying all is well. In the mean time, precious Wells is getting shipped all over birmingham. Praise the Lord that both of our parents live 5 minutes from Brookwood and they are passing Wells back and forth. We have also been spending the night with my parents so that we can be with wells and also have a super quick trip to brookwood. He turned 14 months yesterday and bless his heart, we have no pictures. The picture you see is Wells and one of his best buds, Jack Harpole. They Love each other! it's so cute! The past four days have felt like a big blur and we have not taken a single picture since day one. I promise once she is home (Lord willing will be this week) we will take tons of both of them!! In the meantime, pray pray pray and I'll keep you all posted, just can't promise when! Thanks for all the calls, texts, etc. We love our friends SOOOOOOOOOO much and are so thankful for all you are all doing.
praying Dana!!!
claire is precious and i will continue to pray. let me know when and how i can help.
oh dana, i know all of this is just such a struggle for you and chris. i will be praying that she is able to maintain her body temp consistently so you all can get home and start learning how to be a family of 4. she is SO precious and i know you are anxious to get more alone time with her so yall can get to know each other!!! i am going to pray right now. much love! you can do this girl!!!
praying she'll be home soon!!
I am praying Dana!
Congrats on your sweet baby girl being here, and know we are praying for ya'll.
Dana and Chris,
May God be with you as baby Claire gets better and better. I just know she will be home soon so just know that Mom and I are praying continuously. We love you.
Dear Dana and Chris
We are so very sorry to that darling sweet Claire is not well and want to assure you that all 4 of you are constantly in our prayers. This precious little girl is YOUR daughter.. what more could she be than strong and determined! She will be home soon for you to all become a fmaily finally. Wish I could be there to help support you through this.
Luv and prayers always
Sue and the rest of your Aussie family xoxo
wow. can't imagine. praying for you guys and claire. May God strengthen you guys. Praying for temperature and for rest for you!
Thank you for sharing Dana, I will pray for our girls together! Thank you for your sweet note. Love to you all and Claire!
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