Thursday, March 31, 2011

90 Days Bible Reading Completed!!

I.AM.SO.EXCITED! I thank God so much that He gave me the time (which I swore I'd never have) and the discipline (which I've failed to have the other four times I tried) to read the bible all the way through. I thought 90 days sounded crazy and didn't understand why you would want to cram so much in such a short amount of time. But now I get it. It was the most amazing experience I've ever had in bible reading. It is sad that I based my life and faith on a book that I had never read all the way through. It is something I so badly desired, yet never did. It just flowed like a novel (with some really tough parts here and there) and I honestly looked forward to reading every day. I feel like I understand so much more than I did before and it is just amazing to see how the prophesies from the Old Testament were fulfilled in the New Testament. I just never put it all together before. There is just SO much I want to learn, but I know that is all part of God's plan. There is so much in the Bible, that we could never feel that we had it down! I just pray I can do this many more times while I'm still on this side of heaven. After reading through Revelation today, I am SO much more excited for Christ's return. I would encourage ANYONE to do this. I thought this would be the "hardest time in my life" to read 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours each day, but when will it ever be easy? God didn't say anything in life would be easy, but it WILL be good. So go for it!! It also helped me to really set aside the same time everyday for my quiet time. I was having a tough time before trying to figure it out when you aren't sleeping normal hours! The next session that Amy will lead will be starting on July 11th. To find out more about it, go to the 90 days bible reading schedule. Let me know if you have any questions. I want to do it again! I'm not sure if I'll do this one or the one she will do in the fall, but I promise you won't regret it! My next goal is for Chris and I to do this at the same time. Thanks for my friends who prayed for me and encouraged me while I was doing this! Now I just pray that God will constantly give me the desire to read even when I don't "feel" like it.


Ashley Matteo said...

so excited for you and inspired. thanks for sharing, im definitely going to check it out!

Carrie Barrow said...

So excited for you! I agree with Ashley...very inspiring!!! You're such a GREAT friend! LOVE you!

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