As for the blessing (besides my kids of course), it is awesome! Chris and I have really been trying to be good stewards of our money and truly want to glorify God in how we spend, give, and save, but the saving part has been hard with two in diapers, one in formula, and well...life itself. So we were having a discussion about formula and how we just can't believe how much it is and how we will feel rich come October. We really want to be able to pay off our van, give more, and save for Wells and Claire for the future and the 150 a month we would save not buying formula would help a little. Well, ten minutes after our conversation my phone rang. It was a sweet friend (who I can't name) who is a Similac Rep. She said that this never happens, but a hospital had just contacted her and said that their similac sensitive cases were expiring september 3oth and they had no use anymore. They asked her if she wanted them back or could they throw them away. Well...she knew I used this for Claire and called me. She said she was down the street and was on the way to drop them off. She had no idea that Claire would be 1 in October and we would only need it until September 30th! Ya'll this was the EXACT amount of cans we will need to make it until October. Is God unreal or what! I mean...look at the details of all of that. He provides in ways that we could never imagine and He is FAITHFUL!! I just had to give Praise where praise was due! Let us never forget all that He does for us on a daily basis...the small and the big!