Well, this has been an eventful two weeks so I am so sorry for the lack of posts. I'm trying to keep up and post once a week, but it's been rough lately. Poor Wells got sick...again with allergy junk that turned into some bacteria. So after another antibiotic, he's finally feeling much better! I am also in charge of registration for our Vacation Bible School at church so I haven't had much free time to do anything else (that's if I've had free time at all!!). But enough about our busy lives because we are still having fun around here!
We have had some exciting times this week. Chris and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary on Wednesday, June 17th. We knew it would be tough to do anything with Wells being sick, Chris' ACL healing and everything else going on, but we also knew we needed to get away and celebrate even if it was just for a little while. We went to eat at The View at The Club. It was AMAZING!! If you or your parents have memberships to The Club, I highly suggest going! And it doesn't have to be a special event, as they have provided some cheaper items on the menu. The head chef is also a guy I graduated with and he does a phenomenal job. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and realized just how badly we needed a date night. It's hard to believe we are going to have two kids in three years, but God's plan is always better than ours. Oh how our lives have changed though!! We feel so fortunate to not only have one another, but to be blessed with one fun-loving and precious child and one on the way. And I really don't want to sound cheesy, but honestly I thank God for chris and our marriage everyday and we really have such a blast together and laugh 95% of the time. We often say, "do you think other married couples have as much fun as we do?" And this flows right into Happy Father's Day to Chris!! He is honestly the best dad I've ever witnessed (besides my own awesome dad who is equal!) and been around. He wants to spend every moment he has here with Wells. He bathes him every night, and now that he cannot do that because of his ACL, he gets me to bathe him so he can rock him to sleep. He has been this way since Wells was born. When Chris gets home from work, he winds down for a couple of minutes, changes clothes, and goes straight to wells! Wells just loves him so much and I'm sure Claire will be a daddy's girl if she is anything like me! I can't wait to watch him with a little girl. He will melt! With all this being said, He wins husband of the year and Daddy of the Year EVERY day in my eyes! I love him so much and thank God for him! I'm about to add pictures of Wells and his daddy swinging...Wells favorite thing to do!

We have had some exciting times this week. Chris and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary on Wednesday, June 17th. We knew it would be tough to do anything with Wells being sick, Chris' ACL healing and everything else going on, but we also knew we needed to get away and celebrate even if it was just for a little while. We went to eat at The View at The Club. It was AMAZING!! If you or your parents have memberships to The Club, I highly suggest going! And it doesn't have to be a special event, as they have provided some cheaper items on the menu. The head chef is also a guy I graduated with and he does a phenomenal job. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and realized just how badly we needed a date night. It's hard to believe we are going to have two kids in three years, but God's plan is always better than ours. Oh how our lives have changed though!! We feel so fortunate to not only have one another, but to be blessed with one fun-loving and precious child and one on the way. And I really don't want to sound cheesy, but honestly I thank God for chris and our marriage everyday and we really have such a blast together and laugh 95% of the time. We often say, "do you think other married couples have as much fun as we do?" And this flows right into Happy Father's Day to Chris!! He is honestly the best dad I've ever witnessed (besides my own awesome dad who is equal!) and been around. He wants to spend every moment he has here with Wells. He bathes him every night, and now that he cannot do that because of his ACL, he gets me to bathe him so he can rock him to sleep. He has been this way since Wells was born. When Chris gets home from work, he winds down for a couple of minutes, changes clothes, and goes straight to wells! Wells just loves him so much and I'm sure Claire will be a daddy's girl if she is anything like me! I can't wait to watch him with a little girl. He will melt! With all this being said, He wins husband of the year and Daddy of the Year EVERY day in my eyes! I love him so much and thank God for him! I'm about to add pictures of Wells and his daddy swinging...Wells favorite thing to do!