Well, this is a late post! I promised pictures to my friends who laughed at Chris and I for taking Wells to ATLANTA for his birthday to see the wiggles!! Yes, we really did! So here are pics of Wells. He was a little confused as to why there were 10,000 dancing children and parents. After about 30 minutes, he joined right in and kept shouting "again!" It was hilarious!! Chris and I decided it was definitely worth it all. He slept the entire way back to bham. He now proudly owns a shirt that says, "I'm the Fifth Wiggle." Yep, we were those parents! And if you aren't familiar with The Wiggles, turn it to Sprout from 6-7 any morning because I'm sure you'll get a HUGE laugh! (by the way, his birthday month is almost over! whew...and claire is coming in October!)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Okay, this is officially the best idea out there for busy, couponing, weight losing, etc. moms!! Jane DeLaney, our associate pastor's wife and a good friend of mine, started this business a couple of years ago. She has a website where the meals are created for every night of the week and she gives you TONS of different plans to choose from. She has different plans for couples, plans for families, plans for weight watchers (using points), vegetarians, etc. and she even allows you to choose the grocery store! She gives you every price for every item and uses the sale items to make your meals. So for all you publix fans out there, she uses the BOGO items or advantage buyer items. I've done the weight watchers plan before, but since Chris lost more weight than me, we're going with the Publix family plan now. It even tells you exactly where to purchase the item in the grocery store and what the brand is that you buy of each item. So detailed and easy! It's 5 dollars a month!! It saves you time, major money and gives you ideas! We LOVE it! I've just started getting on the routine again and trust me, it's fun and yummy! I have put the link on the side bar on the right side of my blog so go check it out! She shows you a sample of what it looks like. If you start to use it let me know what you think. She started getting endorsed by Dave Ramsey! She is big time now and so precious! Happy meal planning! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Little Einsteins Party!

We celebrated Wells' Birthday on Sunday with his favorite cartoon, The Little Einsteins. He is truly obsessed with music and this show is so cute and really a bright way to teach kids. I have to say I know NOTHING about music, but I better learn! He had such a blast. He was quite the little host. For the first thirty minutes he said "hello" to each and every person by name as they walked in. Everyone just died laughing. He is EXTREMELY social and I wonder where he gets that...ha! He didn't want anyone else to hold him, but he loved talking to everyone over and over. I had so much fun decorating for it and getting everything ready for him. It was worth it all to see him on cloud nine the entire party and night. We stayed up late with him so he could play with all his new toys! What a special day and what fun memories we will have for a long time. Here are the pictures from the day. (Check out the amazing cake made by a friend from church. It tasted wonderful as well! I highly recommend her for birthday cakes! http://www.artbytheslicecakes.com/)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Happy Day!!!
Today Wells turned 2!!!! Wow!! I cannot believe it!!! He had such an amazing day and so did we. He tells anyone who is having a birthday "Happy Day!" So we made sure to tell him that same phrase all day. He still didn't quite get it as everyone was saying Happy Birthday to him either on the phone or out and about and he would say Happy Day back. Oh well! At least it's not all about him for now!! :) I am HUGE on birthdays so I wanted to pack as much in as I could. Before I explain all of them, I'll tell you some fun things Wells is doing at 2. He is talking up a storm and repeating EVERYTHING we say. Quite scary and hilarious. He still wants me all the time, but at least he conquered some fears this week. He now rides his horse all the time, plays on the playgrounds alone and can spend lots of time with his toys alone in the den. This is HUGE considering last week none of these things were happening. He runs everywhere, adores music, and could watch Little Einsteins and the Wiggles all day. (His real present from us is going to see the Wiggles August 18th...Chris' idea!!!!!) He sings songs all the time and we often hear him on the monitor for an hour to 1 1/2 hours just talking, laughing and singing. We laugh so hard!!! We just love him so much and feel so blessed that God picked us to be his parents! :) He just makes me smile and brings so much joy to this house. And what a fun age!!! Okay, on to the pictures from today (they are in reverse order):
We went to dinner at Maria's mexican in Vestavia. We LOVE this place and really love Maria, the owner. Wells loves it too and eats a ton there. Chips and cheese dip are really his fav! Notice, his poor face...he is allergic to strawberries and had a reaction to jelly today. poor guy!
That's my boy...just lick the bowl!
Sorry for the blurry picture, but this was hilarious!
We went to dinner at Maria's mexican in Vestavia. We LOVE this place and really love Maria, the owner. Wells loves it too and eats a ton there. Chips and cheese dip are really his fav! Notice, his poor face...he is allergic to strawberries and had a reaction to jelly today. poor guy!
favorite food!
Sorry for the blurry picture, but this was hilarious!
We gave him a rock guitar so he could sing and play
all his favorite tunes. He was rocking out...that is why
it's blurry!
laughing at the songs.
Books on the computer are the best!

Just had to show some cute pics of claire too!
with his cousins: max and elliott (my nephews) and
Hayden and Porter (my first cousin's kids). we had a ball!!!
of the family of cousins and Hayden promises
to teach her how to be a princess! Hayden is AWESOME
with my kids!
Just had to show some cute pics of claire too!
He makes Wells feel so big!
it only took all summer!

and they are pretty true to Wells' feelings!! We read this
and talk about these day after day!
how proud we were!
Wells LOVES to show me how he can finally get on and off
Wells LOVES to show me how he can finally get on and off
his horse alone and he RIDES it over and over
all about his "happy day" and then put him in sissy's jump up!

We really did have such a great day!! I just want my kids to know how special they are and that God made this day for them very very special!! :) ****new 10 months claire post below***
while claire napped. We get about 2 good hours to play alone
every morning while she naps. While I often feel trapped at home,
it is such a blessing to spend this much time with him alone.
We really did have such a great day!! I just want my kids to know how special they are and that God made this day for them very very special!! :) ****new 10 months claire post below***
ps. NO MORE PACIS!!!! We threw them away....literally...sunday and it's been brutal for the past three nights and naps, but finally on his birthday he decided to be a big boy (after I spanked him for screaming at the top of his lungs to tell me he NEEDED the blue one) and he is over it. He told us before bed, "I'm 2...I'm a big boy...no more pacis...they hurt my mouth!" hallelujah!
Happy 10 Months Claire!!!
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