Chris and I celebrated our 5th anniversary on June 17th! Thanks to our sweet and precious friend Jupie, we went to dinner and a movie, which I'm pretty sure we haven't done both in one night since before kids! It was so nice and so much fun! I really can't describe in words how blessed I feel with having Chris as a husband. He is WAY too good to me and God definitely knew what He was doing by sending Chris to me. We laugh...a lot! We are going to Disney World in July by ourselves for 4 days to really celebrate!! We can't wait! We haven't had a vacation since before Wells! And isn't Disney World right up my alley?? See...Chris is a GREAT husband! :) This trip is all for me. He said he'd even go just about anywhere for four days if we could just get away!

And on June 19th, we celebrated Father's Day!! I don't know how I got so lucky to have so many awesome men in my life. God for sure gets all the glory. My dad was my true hero growing up (i was a true daddy's girl). He really could do no wrong then and still can't now! I was blessed with a FUN FUN dad while in Australia for 6 months who took me in as a daughter from the get go. After three boys, he was ready for me I think! :) I gained a precious father-in-law five years ago who I don't think has a mean bone in his body and has treated me like a true daughter from day one. And last, but certainly not least, I got to see my hubby become a dad almost 3 years ago. And they are all beyond compare. I don't know any dad in the world more hands on than Chris. From day one with Wells, he changed more diapers than me, took on bath time like a champ, dropped everything when he came in the door from work, and spends every weekend with them. Guys often tease him for not taking up golf, hunting, etc. but his response is always, "I'd rather be with my family more than anything else". And I admire and respect him more than words express. We all love you Chris!
this first pic is my aussie dad, Graeme! He is now an Alabama fan as well!! :)

This is when they came to visit us in April for two weeks. We took them to The Club.

Here is Papa (my father-in-law) who the children adore!

And the next pictures go back and forth between Chris and my dad. I don't even need to share this, but the first picture is really telling of how much Claire is a daddy's girl. She wants to be with him at all times...even when he is asleep! She is laughing on his chest is this pic.
I have to say Wells is quite the momma's boy, but here lately we are seeing him attach to Chris big time!
Here is dad on Father's Day reading a story. Wells and Max are all into it, while Elliott ran around spilling water and Claire must have had a phone call.

Attempt number 2 at Dandaddy with all four grandchildren. We were just proud they were all looking our way and no one was in the fish pond!
Again, better than never! Happy Anniversary and Happy Father's Day to the best husband and dads in the world!