Those hospital hats just kill me! I love this pic! Already looks
like a thinker at the age of 3 days!

that age! I thought he looked big then! :)
This is today. Is he really already 3? Where did time go?
His aunt Robyn gave him play ice cream. He has yet to put it down.
He LOVES toy story. And I LOVE this pic with his daddy!

Happy Birthday to Wells!! I Can't believe he is 3!!! Boy, I hope those terrible twos go away with the age, but he is so much fun at the same time.
Like Mother, Like Son is a mild understatement. The child may look just like his daddy, but he acts just like me! He is EXTREMELY social, loves to have a good time, and LOVES his birthday! It is his birthday month for sure! He's been telling everyone for weeks that he will be three on August the "fourst". He was READY! And this morning I heard him waking up on the monitor singing "Happy Birthday" to himself! And it continued. All. Day. We had a very special day. He had his favorite breakfast, muffins, we went to his favorite place, the McWane Center for the morning, and had dinner at Johnny Bruscos Pizza for dinner and cake. I must also point out that he wanted to go pick out his own cake at Publix. He lOVES publix and all the workers know my kids by name. Again...we are all social. So he was very tired tonight, but loved it all. He got all Sheriff Woody items from us, got a guitar from my parents, ice cream play toys from his cousins, and tomorrow he will get Buzz Lightyear toys from Chris' parents. Yes, we are continuing the celebration tomorrow at a Mexican Restaurant of his choice. To top it all off, we are having a joint birthday party for Wells and Claire at the end of the month. So it is his birthday month!
Wells really is such a JOY! He can be tough, tough, tough and at times I don't know how to handle his tantrums. But he can also be such a sweetheart. He is extremely sensitive and loving. And he LOVES his mama! yippee for me! :) We laugh a lot!! I know...hard to believe. People often tell me that he acts like he is 40 at the small age of 2! He is a thinker for sure and shares ALL his thoughts. He never meets a stranger (which I will have to work on) and speaks so clear that it is just humorous to listen to him! He loves to tell us about "the Word of the Lord" and every big book is the bible to him. We have dance parties on a daily basis and we are pretty convinced the glee club is calling his name. Chris' dream of him loving baseball might not be in the cards. :) We will see! As must as we both love sports, we are sure God will humor us and give us a child totally not interested!! We are just so thankful for Him and cannot thank God enough for choosing us to be His parents. I really had tears many different times today just thanking God for our children. (i'm going to re-read this post on the days where I want to run away:) Just so I can remember, here are his favorite things right now:
Music- Justin Bieber (not kidding), Roger Day, Cedarmont Kids, Any worship music, and ANY KID SONG EVERY MADE
Song- "I've been working on the railroad" and "How Great Thou Art" (claire sings that one too! sweet)
Books- Bible, Corduroy, Goodnight Gorilla, Down By the Station, Any book Sue sends from Australia gets read 100 times a day
Food- Pizza, corn, chicken nuggets, shake shakes (my tricky spinach creation), and ice cream
Movies- Toy Story 1 & 2, Frosty the Snowman (all year), Robinhood, Cedarmont Kids, Veggie Tales
TV Shows- Little Einsteins (still..), Backyardigans, Wiggles, Sid the Science Kid
Places to Go- McWane Center, Zoo, Library story time, school, Friends' houses, and....Publix
Restaurants- johnny bruscos, moes, tazikis, chick-fil-a, milos (i probably influenced the last 3)
People- EVERYONE! He hasn't met anyone he doesn't like:) even his pediatrician. he loves him
1 comment:
Just caught up with you blog style even though we have caught up in person! Wells is the best and tell him he can come over and have a bieber dance party anytime!!! Although you may just want to keep him sweating to the oldies!!
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