I win!! Yeah Right! Before I get into that, Let me update you on Claire's tests and GI appt. today. Thanks so much for everyone's prayers, texts and emails about it. We got some answers thank the Lord, now we just need to get it fixed. And many thanks to my sweet friend Kathe Patterson who went with me! Her son had this when he was a baby so she knew what to do, where to go, and what to see on the screens. There were no problems with her organs and they did intensive xrays and ultrasounds. They did see tons of gas bubbles and acid in the tummy. Then we had the Barium swallow test. It was soooooo sad. She screamed bloody murder as she drank on her back. We watched the liquid "constipate" as they put it and then travel right back up her esophagus. The liquids went all the way up to the throat. The ladies replied "wow...major reflux, poor girl". And they do these tests all the time! So it broke my heart. She has been taking some reflux meds and they haven't done any good. So when we went to Dr. Mestre to read the results and after many hours of waiting, he said we need to address four different situations going on. 1) Try different reflux medication 2) put her on buthanicol to get her digestive track moving all the liquids down instead of coming back up...it also deals with all the acid. 3) miralax in one bottle a day for constipation and 4) some other medicine to be the bandaid to coat her stomach while she is on all these meds. We are praying all of this will make a huge difference if I can remember when to give her all these meds. If not, we go back in three weeks for and do more intensive tests where they put her to sleep. So PRAY that these meds work. Poor baby....I just can't stand to put her on all this medication, but I also want her to feel well. Now i know why she screams all the time. She has TONS going on. She still has fluid in her ears as well, but that appt. is Feb 25th. So much going on with poor Claire. But after being at Children's all day and seeing some of the kids and what they are going through, it made me so thankful that she didn't have anything worse.
Now onto being Mother of the year... so with all of this going on I caved and went to Mcdonalds for Wells and he LOVED it. Devoured the whole hamburger!!! So I said I would never go there with him, and now I'm doomed. But here's the best part...so Claire had already wet through one outfit on the way to the hospital. So I changed her into this precious warm outfit. After all the tests, the nurses said "Be sure she has a bowel movement in the next two days to get all of this out of her system and if not, go to your pediatrician." So I am praying for this since it's been so hard for her to go to the bathroom period. I hear her all the way to the GI and say YES! And then the smell is HORRID! So as I walk into the doctor, people stare because she smells. There was nothing I could do until we went into the room. So we get to the room and I take her out of the seat and it was disgusting!!!!! Mess all over her, it, the pacis, etc. Then I realized I only had four wetwipes left. So the nurse gives me a look, but helps. I get her all cleaned up and I almost puked. She is smiling the whole time. Then I go to the bag for a new outfit and realize that I already used it at the hospital!!! After the doctor came in and it was time to go, he and the nurse said to get her dressed and head home. So I told the nurse I would get her dressed and be right out. So I quickly got her into her nasty seat, wrapped the blanket around her the best I could and ran out of there! Yes, it was freezing out, and yes, she looked at me like I was crazy, and yes, I laughed all the way home. So yes, nominate me for mother of the year and check out the pics below! Wells is loving life with his "Hamburder" and Claire looks just thrilled with me, right?! As my friend Sarah put it, "Hey, at least she has on a hat!":)

by the way...can you tell i'm ready for SPRING with this blog design!!!!
NO doubt in my mind that you get mother of the last two years!
Dana, Rhys has a double ear infection...his first bad cold...and it's been really HARD on me b/c I just feel so bad for him. He's miserable, which honestly makes me miserable.
I have thought about you so often these last two weeks, now having a little better (very tiny) clue as to what you might be experiencing with all the tummy issues and colds between Claire and Wells.
Rhys is on antibiotics and doing MUCH better. I just want you to know that YOU WIN THE MOTHER OF THE LAST TWO YEARS and then some :) in my opinion!
I'm thankful that both Claire and Wells are smiling...and glad that you were able to laugh about it! Even take pictures! :) PTL for the BM! :)
Oh my gosh! That is hilarious!! Oh the crazy life of a mother!! I'm praying that all the meds work for Claire! Clayton is on Miralax too and it's great! I love little Wells' face with that burger! Priceless!
Dana I'll pray your life doesn't get any crazier!!! ha! That pic of Claire naked in her seat is awesome! Glad you could laugh about it(: I'm sure most moms would have burst into tears!
Dana- I am dying laughing! This is totally something I would do but not be able to laugh about it. So glad you took a picture of Claire...what a great story to tell her later. Oh, and you know we live in the drive-thrus! You by far get the mother of the year award in my book! I am so glad you got some answers.
I hate that I can relate to this. The multiple medicines, the tests at Children's (we even did the one when they put Will to sleep), the never ending tummy issues...the list goes on and on. Just keeping telling yourself "There IS life after reflux!" You are doing such a good job by finding out the best way to help Claire feel better. Hang in there and keep laughing. :)
I love it Dana! You are so much fun! I have been praying for you and the kidos. I hope that all the meds work for Claire and everything somewhat calms down. It is tough having sick little ones. The children are just beautiful and through all this sickness still have smiles on their faces. They are your children and truely blessed to have you.
dana - you are amazing. and hilarious! mother of the year, for sure. i love peeking in on you guys, and hope you are able to get everything worked out for sweet claire. thinking of you all.
I rarely remember to read your blog but I'm so glad I did so I can pray for baby Claire!! I love the pic of her in her seat.
I think making it out of the HOUSE with 2 kids these days warrants a medal. : )
I'll keep you guys in my thoughts!
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