Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo, 7 months and 21 months!

There are lots of reasons to celebrate this week! Sunday Claire turned 7 months old. Yesterday Wells turned 21 months old (i promise i'll quit the months when he is 2), today is Cinco de Mayo and tomorrow my mom turns 60!!! We have already celebrated a little with mom, but tomorrow night the 6 adults are going to Hot and Hot! Yeah!!! My mom deserves the BEST birthday ever as she is the best mom, grandmom and friend anyone could have. Honestly, she has the biggest servant's heart of anyone I know. She is ALWAYS doing for others and loves it. I pray I become more and more like her.
Now onto what the kiddos are doing these days! First we have Claire. 7 months has been a big month for her! She is really a happy kid almost 98% of the time and if you've been up to date on my blog, you know that this is AWESOME! She is rolling over both ways, almost sitting up completely on her own, grabbing everything in sight and eating like a champ (notice the thighs and cheeks!). Claire LOVES to be around Wells and she lights up as soon as he looks at her. I pray this continues! She loves to be held and she wants attention all day. She definitely doesn't want to be left alone. She also loves to be heard as she talks in a high pitch all day long! I don't know where she gets that :) So here is Claire in her summer shades and hat:

Now onto Wells...He is really getting close to those terrible twos. I actually think we are there! He is a true joy and I LOVE him to death, but boy is he trying us right now! He likes to dare us in more ways than one. His temper is quite strong and he gets really frustrated when he can't do things. Maybe it's the little man syndrome more than terrible twos...we'll see! Wells weighs 22 pounds so he has only gained 2 pounds in a year! Wow...tiny, but tough! With that being said, he is spunky and tons of fun. He is trying to talk in sentences and this is hilarious. He really wants us to understand him and we do most of the time. My favorite things he says are "I see you" (even when he doesn' in his crib in the mornings when he wants us to come get him), I sleepy, night night (which means you better take him quickly for nap or bed time because he is ready and this is a blessing I know!), "kiss it make it better" when he gets hurt, and he likes to say his colors all day long. Unfortunately, pink is his favorite at the moment and only wants to swing in the pink swing! Chris is disturbed, but I'm sure he just wants Claire's things!! So here are pics of wells
Here he is with his tricycle or "c-cycle" which he cannot yet ride but loves to push. He is still too short, bless his heart!

So this is the result when the c-cycle doesn't turn like he wants. If you could have only witnessed the tantrum...

He LOVES to eat believe it or not! He definitely eats great at times and picks other times. But when he does want to eat, he chows down! Corn is a favorite at the moment.

His obsession right now is his "more" or mower! I cannot get his attention at all when he has the mower in his hands. We are just working on staying out of the street at the moment.

This is what I got when I asked him to smile for the camera....exactly, I got his back!

So, in order to get a smile and his devoted attention, I have to strap him in his "num num chair"

Here is a sweet kiss that Wells gives ALL day to Claire. Wells is definitely lovey dovey and this may get him in trouble next year in preschool!!! We will see! As for now, I love it! Have I mentioned he is a major mama's boy at the moment?! maybe pink being his favorite color gave this away. Chris spends every night with him i promise!

And now, Happy Cinco de Mayo!!! The sombreros and maracas were worn and used almost all day by wells! And Claire joined in on the fun once she was strapped in the swing. She did love her maraca!!


Deanna said...

What cuties Dana! You have such a gorgeous family! Oh, and tell your mom I said Happy Birthday!

Courtney said...

Oh my goodness - so cute!! Wow, either Wells is little or my kid is really really huge!! Clayton is 11 months and weighs 22 lbs!!!! Holy crap they are the same size :)

Jana said...

Dana! Reese was born 2 weeks early so she and Thomas are 14 1/2 months apart! She is now 10 weeks and is precious!! I LOVE your pink swing!! Where can I get one to go with Thomas'??

Shannon said...

Cute! So glad that Claire is still doing so well :) Wells is just adorable. Hope to see ya'll soon!

Carrie and Jordan said...

SO CUTE!!! I love all the fun pictures...and of course my fav or Wells is the green seersucker outfit:) It's going to be a FUN summer!!

Ashley Matteo said...

i love all the pics and glad everyone is doing well. we sure would love to hang out with yall more this summer

Alicia said...

Cute pictures! So glad to hear Claire is doing so well! You have two beautiful kiddos!

Sandi and Mike said...

Great pictures of your sweetie-pie's!! Glad to see the Sheheane household is back on track!! Miss you guys!!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers