We had such a great time last Sunday catching up with good friends who live in Boston. Mike, Sandi, and Avery Reinold visited from Boston with Birmingham friends all weekend. Mike and Chris used to work together and Sandi and I became fast friends! They are so great and we were so sad to see them leave, but they were excited to get back "home" in Boston where they grew up. And Mike has a really cool job there as well!! We were so honored that they chose to spend some time with us as they were only here for a quick weekend. Avery is only a couple of months younger than Wells and they played GREAT together! We would have weekly playdates if they lived here! She is tiny just like him and they had funny/spunky personalities! Thank you Mike and Sandi for such a fun Sunday and it truly made our week!! :) We love y'all!
Okay...so we staged this one, but how hilarious!
They both love the iphones so it worked!! :)
Big talkers...just like their mommies!

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