Today was such an incredible day. We dedicated Wells to the Lord, and to the church body today. Both sets of grandparents came and Robyn, Charles and Max came as well (my sister and her family). It was such an honor for us to present Wells to the church and to really give our promise that we will raise Wells in a Christian home and bring him up to prayerfully love the Lord with all his heart and soul. Chris and I picked out scripture for him that Chris read aloud and that we will pray for Wells for the rest of his life. The scripture was Proverbs 3:3-4. It was even more special because we got to share this with two of our best couple friends from our community group (sunday school), The Blairs and Matteos. All our boys are close in age and will hopefully be great friends for a long time. It was also the first time that I have sat in the sanctuary for church since Wells has been born. It was an emotional day and really encouraging. Wells wore my brother-in-laws christening gown from when he was little and everyone loved it...except Chris who said it was a dress. As soon as we got to church, a sweet lady said "Oh, she is beautiful" and Chris just glared at me! I thought it was hilarious! To me he just looked like a doll! Anyways, after the dedication we all came over for lunch and cake. It was just an awesome day and one I will always remember.
I was there in spirit! Wells is one lucky young man--with great parents, family, and church members! Glad you are feeling better--and HAPPY BIRHTDAY WEEK!
great pics and yes it was such a treat to have all our sweet boys dedicated at church together. praise the LORD for our families!
A beautiful blog.A beautiful family.
Such an encouraging time for you all. I know you enjoyed the day and just being at church and with the family. We must catch up soon!
Congratulations! What a special day. Dana you look great. Motherhood agrees with you. Wells is so beautiful. Don't worry about the "dresses". We went through the same thing with Luke. Dress him now because soon all he will wear is boy clothes. It happens way too fast.
he is so cute dana! i enjoyed catching up on all his growing! wells was a very cute monkey!
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