hodge podge at it's finest! i had a SMALL
budget for this room, but pulled it off!!
carbon paper and I traced it onto the wall. i love it!
with my old dolls, and some things she has received

Now for updates. I go to the doctor tomorrow and I KNOW i've progressed because I feel it!!! But the last two weeks I haven't dialated at all, but she has moved down a little. So I can't wait to hear what the doctor says. I'm thinking she's coming in this next week sometime. Sweet Wells is just getting really clingy to me and I honestly think he knows something is up! He has never been a clingy child. Thank goodness he enjoys mother's day out though and goes one day a week. On another note, this is the first day he has been well in 8 days. He has been so sick with all sorts of stuff. Please pray that our house will be healthy by the time Claire arrives!! And we are still nesting (notice the lack of blog posts). Chris has replaced four doors at our house, primed, sanded and painted them. I've cleaned out the pantry, the kids' cabinet in the kitchen, and I'm doing the refridgerator tonight! We are almost ready thank goodness! Not that we'll ever really be ready! But we can't wait to meet her and sweet her sweet face!! I'll keep you all posted and I promise to take pictures of Wells this week and post them! We're holding out hope that Claire will wait until October so the kids will really be 14 months apart!! But of course God's timing is perfect!!! :) I hope you like her room!! I am really proud of it! :) (by the way, carrie and kelly also helped me make wells room a little sporty and updated as well!)
my crafty friend carrie who saw this on martha stewart! It's
scrapbook papers modpodged onto wood. We had a blast making
them and we loved how they turned out!
that i used when i taught and a very sweet friend
recovered them with this fun fabric (that i bought for VERY
cheap!!) The cute magazine rack is pottery barn though..no sale!
A friend gave me the "Claire" blanket. Wells has one too!
at a church garage sale and she repainted it. Carrie (the same
crafty friend and Kelly painted the knobs. Aren't they
so cute! The panels are pottery barn green gingham to match
the bumper pad and bed skirt.
check this out!!! These are my old dresses, my cousin Hayden's
old dresses, Melinda has made dresses, a very GIVING friend gave
me about 13 brand new outfits from lilipad, then high school friends,
teacher friends, and others gave me the rest. By the way, her
drawers are full as well!
Now for updates. I go to the doctor tomorrow and I KNOW i've progressed because I feel it!!! But the last two weeks I haven't dialated at all, but she has moved down a little. So I can't wait to hear what the doctor says. I'm thinking she's coming in this next week sometime. Sweet Wells is just getting really clingy to me and I honestly think he knows something is up! He has never been a clingy child. Thank goodness he enjoys mother's day out though and goes one day a week. On another note, this is the first day he has been well in 8 days. He has been so sick with all sorts of stuff. Please pray that our house will be healthy by the time Claire arrives!! And we are still nesting (notice the lack of blog posts). Chris has replaced four doors at our house, primed, sanded and painted them. I've cleaned out the pantry, the kids' cabinet in the kitchen, and I'm doing the refridgerator tonight! We are almost ready thank goodness! Not that we'll ever really be ready! But we can't wait to meet her and sweet her sweet face!! I'll keep you all posted and I promise to take pictures of Wells this week and post them! We're holding out hope that Claire will wait until October so the kids will really be 14 months apart!! But of course God's timing is perfect!!! :) I hope you like her room!! I am really proud of it! :) (by the way, carrie and kelly also helped me make wells room a little sporty and updated as well!)
OOH Dana and Chris and Wells,
How simply gorgeous is this little girl's room!!!!!
I can see she will need nothing, especially NO dresses...that wardrobe is just amazing..from someone with 3 sons I have to say that I have never seen anything like that wardrobe!! I LOVE it..but I won't buy her a dress!!!
I love the art work you made and all the precious things you have done Dana, you are so blessed to have such special caring friends and family to help you . It is simply divine and missing only one thing..the blessed little girl to sleep there!
I am thinking of you constantly and trying to call you but having no success and not even the answering machine picks up so I can't tell you how I miss you . You are constantly on my mind as your time draws near.
Luv to Chris and sweet Wells and keep me posted !!!
luv heaps
Sue xoxoxoxoxoxox
xoxoxofrom all the Ross clan too
love the room! so cute! can't wait to hear about Claire's arrival!
I love the room! I especially love the artwork you made. I want to do that for HG's room, so you will have to let me know how you did it :) Can't wait for Claire to be here
LOVE the room!! You'll have to show me how you did the artwork! I love it! Hope you are feeling good!
Please have you bags packed and be ready. Owen was 3 weeks early. I went in for my 37 week check up and was 5 cm. I think in my mind a knew but I went unprepared. No bag and almost no husband. Dax's parents ended up bringing our stuff that night. I know yall are super excited! Savor every moment of it because if you are like me you will miss the "new born" stage.
Wow! Claire's closet! Abby has 6 outfits in her closet. Good luck this week, keep us posted. Hopefully we are not too far behind you. Melanie
I love the room, and am so proud of all the craftiness. you go girl. also, what a blessing to have all those cute clothes. i pray that this week and weekend are relaxing for you and chris and wells and i hope to be able to see you again before sweet claire gets here. i cant wait to meet her
Claire's room turned out perfect. So sweet! I wish I was as creative as you.
Hope to see you soon! Take care of yourself! Love you!
Claire's room looks great! And I love the artwork! Nice job! Hoping you get a good report of progress tomorrow! :)
Claire's room is beautiful!! Will be thinking of you guys...love you!
How precious!! I had no idea you were pregnant! YAY!!
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