Now onto the bad news of the weekend. Chris and I both got the throw up virus!! Chris got it Sunday morning so our sweet friends Hayley and Mark let us follow them as we pulled over on the interstate several times for Chris. Mark, being the gentleman he is, had me ride with Hayley while he drove Chris so that a pregnant girl didn't have to pull over in atlanta on the interstate! I have never seen Chris so sick and weak. We had to go to the ER when we got home for him to get fluids, etc. I wore a mask b/c swine flu was everywhere in that waiting room!!! Five hours later we were home and trying to go to sleep. I never slept because I got the virus about 10 that night. We both had it until yesterday morning!!!
Now onto the sad news...
Because we were both sick, Chris' parents kept Wells one more night and my parents kept him the next two nights. We missed him so badly. And wouldn't you know, he started WALKING at my mom's house!!!!!!!!!! I mean, I am with this child daily and he decided to walk at my mom's while we were sick!!! Not only this, but he started his first day of Mother's Day Out at Briarwood on Wednesday and my mom had to take him. I at least got to pick him up and see him for the first time in four days. We have had a blast watching him since he's been home though and we are playing like crazy!!!
One more bit of news...
I went to my 36 week appt. today and Claire has moved down one station (forget what that means). She is so high up that the doc. couldn't even tell if I was dialated. So I'm thinking that's good news. She did say I was very dehydrated from the virus and that I really needed to tank up on water for the last four weeks b/c it's dangerous to go into labor b/c of dehydration. so our prayer is a healthy little Claire that will come in October and no sooner!! Of course, God's timing is best whenever that may be!! :) I told you this was a wild weekend/week!! More pics to come of Wells!

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