week 1: claire is born oct.1 and went to the NICU for 6 days
weeks 2 and 3: we are going back and forth to the pediatrician every other day for claire's bili
week 4: wells gets the fever virus and it goes to 104 for two days. extremely scary
week 5: I get the fever virus. wells goes to my parents and chris stays home from work and takes care of claire. I didn't leave the bedroom.
weeks 6 and 7: Claire has horrible stomach issues that they think are gird (silent reflux) and she cannot sleep through a nap without wincing in pain and same goes for night. I can no longer breastfeed and have to pump before every feeding (just to add 20 more minutes to every feeding). Wells is getting 6 teeth at one time and not sleeping at all at night
week 8: Claire gets her first ear infection and not sleeping anymore. Chris has had chronic neck pain for 4 years now, but it gets unbearable this week. He lays out on the floor one morning this week and can't move. I call a best friend who comes to get him to take him to the only doc chris hasn't seen in birmingham and he gives him 3 shots in the trigger points to relieve pain.
Here comes the worst part and where we are now:
week 9: Wells gets croup. at 1 in the morning we hear him barely able to breathe over the monitor. chris rushes him to children's hospital er. They came home at 4 with steroid medicine. I wisk Claire away to my mom and dad's for three days while Chris has wells here at home alone. As soon as we return, Wells is still not better, but we could not keep chris home from work anymore and no one could keep claire besides me (breastfeeding,etc). So Wells is still running low grade fever so Chris took him to the pediatrician. Croup is still in effect and he now has double ear infection and drainage coming out of tubes in his ears. He went on another medicine.
week 10: Claire starts coughing, sneezing, and I start freaking. Wells is still sick. I took Claire to the Pediatrician for them to tell me she no longer has ear infections and probably just has a cold from Wells, but no croup. 4 days later, Claire is coughing like crazy, weezing and just not right. Wells is now miserable and not sleeping at night. Chris takes Friday off work and we load both kids up to go back to the doctor together. We stay for 3 hours. Claire has bronchialitis/RSV and double ear infections. The doc tells us how dangerous this is...I freak. Wells has double ear infections still and more drainage. We do breathing treatments for claire and cultures on Wells ears. We take turns holding Claire all day and night because she has lots of trouble breathing when you put her on her back, even sitting up. We give her breathing treatments every 4 hours, medicine for the ear infections and watch her like a hawk (and i cry...and pray...and worry...and pray more). she doesn't eat much
week 11: Where we are now...still holding claire all the time and praying for her to recover and eat normal again. I took wells to the ENT today to flush out his ears and they could only get 1/3 of fluids out. They cultured his ears to look for the cause of why he is still getting infections with tubes. They keep him on ear medicine, medicine by mouth, and tell us to come back in 2 weeks. And he is still crying out at night and we are up all night with Claire. Chris' neck...no better. Doctors visits and medicines = over 1000 dollars.
So this is why you haven't heard from us if you've tried to call or email. We love you dearly, but honestly don't have a second to talk to anyone. We barely talk to each other at the moment. We pray together, get frustrated, cry (well, that would be me), and press on. We know that we are SO blessed to have these precious children who don't have terminal illnesses, etc. but it is so very scary to deal with sick children for this long. We just want to see them healthy and happy and we pray that this will happen soon. Not getting sleep really plays a toll on you as lots of you know if you have children. And with them only being 14 months apart, my days seem like they will never end sometimes when they are both crying and in pain. Praise the Lord for my mother who has come almost daily to help me out. Praise the Lord for awesome friends who have brought meals even when I say no, who call knowing we can't call back, and who constantly offer services. Praise the Lord that I have a husband who helps me EVERY HOUR that he is home and splits the night shifts with me. Praise the Lord for Chris' parents that come to help and play on the weekends. And praise the Lord Chris works with my dad and he understands when he needs to leave or stay home with me. God is really taking care of us and ALL of our needs. So please help us to praise Him for what He has given us and pray that He will take care of chris, Wells, and Claire with their health. Feel free to come prayer walk around our sick house whenever you'd like!!! :) We really want to be able to focus on Christmas and Christ's birth this week and maybe He is just helping us realize that what He came to accomplish on earth is far more important that lights, shopping, gifts, etc. We have had no time to do any of that so we don't have that "christmas feeling", but we have had more time to reflect on prayer and praise for what He has done. Merry Christmas to all of you and thanks so much for your prayers!! God is good ALL the time, even if it seems like your world is falling apart!

Oh Dana!! Bless your hearts!! I'm praying for yall NOW!!! I hope you are able to get some rest soon!!! Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!
Dana I am praying! I am so sorry you guys are going through this! Not to try to make anything about me but girl I felt that way for 3 stinking years! I am praying for relief and peace. Also, that you can have some sweet rest in the Lord.Girl I will seriously come prayer walk over your house. you tell me where you live and morgan and I will be there!
Dana and Chris, I just welled up with tears reading about all your going through. Mark and I were even talking about how close your kids are in age and how you might be doing. I'm glad to know how to pray and I definitely will! May the joy of Christmas and God's peace QUICKLY fill your home.
Dana, Im praying for healing. Im praying you can rest in His peace before you see his provision as well. love, Teresa
Dana! My heart aches for you and your family. I am praying right now and will continue to pray for healing, comfort, peace and rest. May the Lord comfort you this Christmas season and may you be able to enjoy time with everyone. Love you!
I can't imagine what you are going through right now. I am praying for you and that the Lord gives you his peace and healing this week! Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!
Oh Dana--I am so very sorry. I know you have to be surviving on the Holy Spirit alone. Two children is a handful when they are both healthy. I am praying praying praying that this trial will pass on and the Lord will be merciful with your time at home with those babies. Thank you for sharing how we can pray. Asking for health now!!
Wow, I am hurting for you. I will pray for your sweet children to heal quickly and stay well. I will also pray for you and Christ to find some sweet time together over the holidays. Love you and friend and wish I was there to lend you a hand.
Oops, I meant you and Chris have sweet time together, but I'm sure it would be great for you and Christ to have sweet time together as well. Ha!
The Howatt Family is praying for you!
Todd & Staci
I am in tears reading about what you and Chris are dealing with. I am so sorry to hear it all. Please know that anytime you need anything and someone is not around, you can call me. I am off until Jan 4th, so please do. I am praying as I type for your spirit. I know you are one of them most prayerful people I know, but I pray your spirit to stay strong! Healing is in there as well.
Dana I am in tears for you! I can't imagine! I have been having myself a "pity party" because I've been working so much that I haven't had any time to "feel like its xmas" (as if it's about all the shopping, lights etc!) yet your situation puts things in perspective for me! I just hate that for y'all. You, Chris, Wells and Claire will all be in our prayers...and I mean that. Merry Christmas...I will pray that Christmas Day will be a great day for y'all despite all that's going on. Please keep us updated. Love you!(:
Dana...I am so sorry things have been so ruff for you and your sweet family. I will be praying for all of you- for health, energy, rest and healing. Thanks so much for sharing all that has been going on. I hope ya'll have a Merry Christmas!
OOH darling Dana
I have been sooo anxious about you all as it has been so long since I have had an email but now, having read your blog I know what is happening.
I feel so very upset that things have been so difficult for all 4 of you and that life has taken a difficult path for you at the moment.
We pray that Christmas brings you some relief and that you will be able to see through the hard times to better times ahead.
I have been trying to call you but no success. I will keep on trying until I get you so we can speak soon
luv u and think of you often
Luv Sue and the Ross Clanxoxoxoxooxoxoxox
Oh no...how scary for you guys! I freak out if Avery has a runny nose, I just can't imagine the anxiety you must have with all of this. I will certainly pray for you all, hang in there. I don't know two people who could deal with all that better than you guys so all will be okay. I will be thinking of you and praying!!
Hi--- I just landed on your blog by clicking from another. I just felt for you after reading this entry. If people had blogged 9 years ago your entry would have been mine. Reverse the kids-- girl first and boy second and you have my life. I was trying to keep my job as a lawyer while enduring what you have experienced. I thought I would never get out of the ped's office. But it works out-- keep the faith. Sometimes the days and illnesses seem to never end-- but here I am with a 10 year old girl and 9 yo boy saying where did the time go. Hang in there and consider being a germ "nazi" I got to the point where I would never let anyone touch my kids and they hardly ever left the house during cold + flu season. It does get better:)))
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