I hope all of you had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! We got our Christmas wish as both children were well enough to go to both parents for Christmas! Claire is still congested, but we haven't had to do the breathing treatments in two days and Wells ears aren't leaking anymore!! Praise the Lord!! They are both still not completely well, but this is soooooo much better than our previous post! Claire's tummy issues are still horrible and reflux has kicked in even worse with all the different meds going in her tummy. We really do appreciate all of the prayers, well wishes and concern. I am a new person today! Christmas eve was a bit of a nightmare as both children were up between 12-5 back and forth so Chris and I were up the entire five hours...awful. BUT...the fact that they were both doing pretty well on Christmas Day made up for it!!! Our families did so much for both of them and us. We all spent awesome family time together and Chris and I truly felt the peace only God can give. HUGE blessing!! The pictures above are of Christmas and the SEC championship since i never got to post those! Continue to pray for health as we go for rechecks in the next two weeks. We pray all ear infections are gone and Claire is cleared from bronchialitis and RSV. Of course we always pray her reflux will clear up as it makes her cry...a lot! Have i mentioned that we are finished having kids???!!! We have already made one step in that direction and will do another step in the spring!!! Thanks!!!! I'll keep you all posted on the kids' health!
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I am so glad that your family had a great Christmas and that both children are on the mend! I will pray for good news from the doctor and that Wells and Claire both continue getting better. You and Chris deserve a break and some rest:)
I am SO happy to read this!
So glad ya'll had such a wonderful Christmas! Claire is just precious!!
I obviously did not see your last post...I had no idea yall were so sick! I'm so sorry!
Poor Wells and Claire for being so sickly :( and poor Mommy and Daddy b/c I would be sick if my babies were sick! I know you are!
I'm thankful that yall are on the up and up. Well, I know we are looking forward to seeing yall and meeting Claire after the New Year, but, honestly, just whatever works for yall. We can come by any time.
Love you. Merry Christmas. :)
So glad you had a good Christmas!!! thankful to hear the babies are slowly but surely getting better:) LOVE the pics in the pj's:)
I just read your previous post and was in tears for you. You are in my prayers for the recovery of your family. Good health is a blessing I often take for granted.
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