We can't believe Wells is already one month old! He was a month old yesterday. It is amazing how much has happened in one month. Some days seem like they will never end, but all in all, it's gone by so quickly! He has been visited by so many friends! Chris said he's going to be just like me...very social! He doesn't want to sleep when ANYTHING is going on. I guess he's afraid he'll miss out. These pictures are not of every friend by any means, but these are the pics I got when some of you visited (sorry if I didn't take one with you!). There are also some pictures that really capture his first month...sleeping, cheering at his first alabama game with Chris and his cousin Max, seeing all his new friends, and wearing his robe before bath time (he loves bath time with his dad and vedder...yes, it is guy time!). We are braving the schedules and I'm determined to stick to it, but Wells is testing me big time. This week he decided it was way more fun to stay awake and have nap strikes as well as wake up every 2 hours to eat. I'm praying it's a growth spurt and that next week will be better. I've gotten lots of advice from friends and books, so we'll see. Hopefully my next post will say, "Wells, the perfect baby!" yeah right! Anyways, this first month has been trying, but so amazing. And it's really crazy how much you can love someone in just one month! Chris and I couldn't thank God enough for little Wells!
This makes me even more anxious to meet my little boy!! (t-minus 3 months!!) I'm so glad I will have you to steal advice from! Wells is getting cuter by the day! Much Love,
Oh my gosh! The picture in the bathrobe is precious and hilarious! He's so little in it. It's my favorite one so far.
hey girl
i can't believe wells is already a month old. thats great! he is super cute and i hope yall are doing well. can't wait for our two boys to meet and for them to grow a little so they can start playing with each other. talk to you soon
Dana, he is SO cute!! I love the bathrobe picture!
Did you read Baby Wise? Mike is almost finished with it, and it's hilarious because he thinks he knows it all now:) He'll be shocked when he sees the baby didn't read the book- haha!
I love your updates! Thanks for keeping us posted!
How incredibly precious he is!! I have got to meet him asap! So happy for you!!
We love the updates and the photos! We love the robe picture - He looks alot like daddy in that one! Hope to see you soon! We would love to see him!
The Sizemore Gang!
Hey Dana, try buying a swaddling sack from Babies R' Us (Kidopatomus). The first night Copeland slept in one, he slept all night. Up until then, he was waking 3 times at night to eat. Just an FYI. Wells is adorable and we miss you.
Love, Betsy Styles
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