are not reading this wrong. I AM PREGNANT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Wells wanted to be the one to announce it, but since he can't talk, we used the cue card! We cannot believe it and I'm sure you cannot either! We haven't told too many people and I figured this would be a fun way to do it. Obviously this was not our plan at all considering we would have waited 2 more years! But this is God's plan and His plan far outweighs ours. I definitely had some tears of fear, anxiety, guilt towards Wells, and then finally excitement. All I can say is that God must have really wanted us to have this second baby...that is the only way we are pregnant!! I am due October 9th and these two will be 14 months apart. I went through every negative and positive with them being this close in age, but I decided to stay focused on the positives. I know one day it will be so much fun to watch them play together, and grow up being best buddies. Now I'll tell you the coolest part of all of this. The only reason I even took a pregnancy test was because I had a dream that I was holding a little baby and wells was barely walking. It seemed so real (and I have lots of dreams that come true) so I asked Chris to go buy a pregnancy test. He thought I was crazy, but did it. Low and behold, it came back positive in seconds. I think God was really preparing me and I guess getting me ready. I am already beginning to feel sick in the morning and night, and it's double the fun changing dirty diapers like that!! I could go on and on with this post, but I'll leave you with your own thoughts of shock!! No one that we have told could believe it!! Honestly though, we are totally thrilled now and know that God will take care of us and make this quite an adventure! Now just pray everything is okay and that the baby is healthy as we are only 7 weeks. I'll definitely keep you posted! Can't wait to read the comments on this one!! :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wells has some news... are not reading this wrong. I AM PREGNANT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Wells wanted to be the one to announce it, but since he can't talk, we used the cue card! We cannot believe it and I'm sure you cannot either! We haven't told too many people and I figured this would be a fun way to do it. Obviously this was not our plan at all considering we would have waited 2 more years! But this is God's plan and His plan far outweighs ours. I definitely had some tears of fear, anxiety, guilt towards Wells, and then finally excitement. All I can say is that God must have really wanted us to have this second baby...that is the only way we are pregnant!! I am due October 9th and these two will be 14 months apart. I went through every negative and positive with them being this close in age, but I decided to stay focused on the positives. I know one day it will be so much fun to watch them play together, and grow up being best buddies. Now I'll tell you the coolest part of all of this. The only reason I even took a pregnancy test was because I had a dream that I was holding a little baby and wells was barely walking. It seemed so real (and I have lots of dreams that come true) so I asked Chris to go buy a pregnancy test. He thought I was crazy, but did it. Low and behold, it came back positive in seconds. I think God was really preparing me and I guess getting me ready. I am already beginning to feel sick in the morning and night, and it's double the fun changing dirty diapers like that!! I could go on and on with this post, but I'll leave you with your own thoughts of shock!! No one that we have told could believe it!! Honestly though, we are totally thrilled now and know that God will take care of us and make this quite an adventure! Now just pray everything is okay and that the baby is healthy as we are only 7 weeks. I'll definitely keep you posted! Can't wait to read the comments on this one!! :)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Chris!!
Happy 30th Birthday to Chris!!! He is a Valentine's baby so we celebrated all weekend. I gave him sunglasses he wanted (it was a surprise though) and his family gave him Rock Band. We always do his birthday and Valentine's together on the 13th and then we celebrate his birthday with family on the 14th. We had such a fun weekend! Friday night my parents kept Wells. We ate at Mudtown in Cahaba Heights (I highley recommend it) and then went to Target. So romantic I know, but it was fun for us!! Saturday our friend Jupie had a date with Wells and Chris and I went to lunch and shopped around the Summit. Then that night we all went to his parents for dinner. When Chris got home, he sang and played the drums until midnight. But don't worry, I made him set it up in the garage!!! Needless to say, it was a full-on weekend. We really had a blast and we feel so blessed to have so many family members and best friends in town who we love so much and who love Wells and keep him so we can have down time. We had a great weekend, but unfortunately I forgot the camera! More pictures to come later!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Happy 6 Months Wells!

I cannot believe that I am already writing about Wells turning six months today! That just seems so weird!! I just love him more and more each day and can't remember life without him! The days can go by pretty slow a lot of the time, but then overall it is flying by! Six months is definitely the milestone we were waiting for with Wells. We are finally feeling like ourselves again. He is sleeping so much better in the day and at night (except when teeth are coming in!!). He is also interacting with us so much more and it's so much fun! He can roll over one way, but only does it when you put him on his tummy. He is beginning to sit up on his own, but not for long before falling one way or another! His favorite things are eating (he is a pig), bathing, being outside, jumping in his johnny jump up, playing in the exersaucer, and watching the tv...unfortunately! He seriously came out of the womb wanting to stare at the tv. His least favorite things are changing clothes and waiting for his bottle or food! He is hilarious when he is waiting for food. It's almost as if he can't even breathe he is so excited and impatient when he sees his bottle or a jar of food! Wells thoroughly enjoyed his six month birthday today as I was glued to "signing day" on tv, internet, and radio. Yes, I know, I'm a boy when it comes to football. Of course I love Alabama football, but really I just LOVE any college football and anything that has to do with it! So I initiated Wells into the fun today! Some of the pictures are of him watching Saban's press conference today. Yep, he's hooked!! That's my boy!! :) I promise I do not stick him in front of the television, so don't panic! I only let him watch Praise Baby, which he adores!! Happy Six Months to you Wells!! We love you! :)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Women's Retreat

Friday and Saturday I was blessed to be able to go to our church's women's retreat. It was one of the best retreats I've ever been to. We went to Children's Harbor Lodge at Lake Martin. The pictures should speak for themselves about how beautiful and peaceful the weekend was. We had an amazing speaker, Pat Harley. She taught on having a heart for God and the ways to get there. It truly captivated me the whole weekend and something I hope I'll ponder on for a long long time. It was hard being away from Wells for 24 hours, but it was well worth it. And I'm so thankful for Chris for keeping him so I could go. About 150 women from our church went and 23 were from my community group! We LOVE our sunday school class!! :) This group of girls is awesome! Friday night was a pajama party and fashion show, which was hilarious. It was of course full of snacks, laughs, tears, and joy. We all had the best time. I felt completely refreshed coming home yesterday and I pray that the words Pat spoke will challenge me daily.
Super Bowl- 3D
This picture doesn't really need an explanation, but we wanted to show you how excited Vedder was about the 3D halftime show. We were all a little disappointed about the hype and all we saw jumping at us were ping pong balls!!! Oh well!! Lots of commercials were very humerous so that made up for halftime!!
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