Today we had Wells the Penguin and Claire Bear. It was soooo much fun to see my kiddos all dressed up!!! It was sort of a hectic day going from one set of grandparents to the next, feeding claire in the meantime, then pumping, then back home for our neighborhood block party, but it was worth it all! Life with 2 is just hectic, but again, a blessing! We not only got to have a very fun halloween with neighbors, friends and family, but we also got to spend a "date" morning with Wells. We really want to make an effort to spend some family time with just Wells while he is adjusting to life with a Sissy!! We spent this morning going to the Galleria to ride the carousel, stroll around and eat lunch together. Chris and I really wanted to take him to the Pumpkin Patch, but the rain killed that. So the galleria was good cheap entertainment for sweet Wells. And I think he quite enjoyed himself!! Chris and I had lots of fun with him as well. Then we had halloween fun. Wells' penguin costume was found at a church consignment sale and it had never been worn. It still had the tags on it!! I LOVED this costume and it actually fit him great!!! And we already call Claire "Claire Bear" so it was only fitting to have her in a little bear outfit. Chris' mom found this on clearance at Babies R us. So we came out cheap this halloween and these will probably be my favorite halloween costumes they ever had. We all had a blast at the block party and then we loved giving out candy once we got home. Wells just didn't understand why he couldn't walk all over the neighborhood with all the other kids. He wanted to leave with every kid who came to our door! What a hoot! Now we are all exhausted and ready for bed. But I can't leave this post without wishing Claire a happy 1 month (tomorrow) and Wells a happy 15 months (on November 4th)!! It's hard to believe Claire has already been here a month! My post below from the other day gives you updates on both so I won't bore you again! What a fun night to celebrate both of these milestones! I hope your halloween was as happy as ours! Now, we are just praying for good sleepers on this night of time changing!