I have some huge praises that I want to share! First of all, Claire's bilirubin count was down to 10.1 on Tuesday. Yeah!!! We know it can fluctuate, but we do not have to go back to the doctor until her 8 week WELL appointment! We pray we don't have to go for any sickness before then. Also, Wells had the fever virus and he did have 104 temp (which scared me to death), but he is much better now as it only lasted 48 hours. I then got the virus, but the praise is that today we are all HEALTHY!! We just pray now that the cloud will leave our house and we will all stay healthy!! Chris and I don't even want to look at the total for copays and doctors bills because we are just thankful for a healthy house at the moment! Another HUGE praise is that I was very surprised this past weekend by my awesome husband a one of my best friends in the world. Friday as I was still down about Claire and just hormonal, Mary (the best friend) showed up at my front door with a package saying "she just couldn't find the address and had to deliver it herself". She lives in Oxford, Ms. and we see each other about 4 times a year. Well, she was coming to surprise me and stay for the whole weekend, take me to dinner, and help me with the kiddos. It was such an amazing surprise!! I cried... a lot! It just meant so much for her to do that and for Chris to plan it with her all along. He babysat for us to go to dinner, to go to costco and shop a little the next day, and watch some football saturday night. It was a HUGE blessing and I needed it more than I knew. Thanks Chris and Mary!!!
Now, we have survived 3 weeks!!! yeah!!! We are not sure now if Claire has reflux or just GI issues. The poor girl has such tummy issues all day no matter what I eat and she isn't spitting up much. So we are just perplexed. She constantly has gas and goes to the bathroom A LOT. We are praying it is just immature GI and not problems. We'll just see in time I guess. But now for the fun things for three weeks. Claire LOVES to be held and touched anytime of the day, she sleeps okay (not great) but I'll take what I can get, and she loves trying to focus on any person who is holding her. She doesn't even look cross-eyed! She does not like baths...at all, changing diapers, or changing clothes. We still keep her wrapped from head to toe all day so luckily we don't change her clothes much!
As for Wells, he is loving his "sissy" as he calls her! Every time he sees her he says "Hey Sissy!" He still loves to rock her no matter where she is laying. He also likes to take his golf clubs close to her...not so sure about that! But he is just changing so much and coming up with new words daily! We may not understand them, but he just talks and talks all day! We laugh hysterically. So that is all the updates for now! Prayerfully things will get a little easier as each week passes and we'll begin to see who she looks like! She is still gaining weight like a champ so those cheeks and thighs are resembling her mamas!!!! :)
I'm so happy to hear the good news!!! Thanks for keeping us posted. Love and prayers!!
Praying her bili and her food stay down!!
Yeah Dana! I'm so happy you had a nice weekend and everyone seems to be on the up-and-up. Claire is Beautiful (seriously, I mean gorgeous) and Wells looks like a man on a mission! We'll keep praying for healthy families.
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you yesterday! What are the chances we'd run into each other at the OBGYN? Providential. I miss you so much and you just brighten my day. Praying for continued strength & healing. We'll have to get together after MK arrives. Miss you friend and HAPPY EARLY B-DAY!
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