Well, to say that Claire's start to life has been eventful is an understatement. I will give you some fun things in a minute, but if you will please continue to pray for her we would appreciate it so much. She got to come home from the hospital on Wednesday and at our follow up appointment on Friday, her jaundice levels had gone back up. We go back Monday and if they are still up we will either have to go back to the NICU or get phototherapy lights at home. Either option is not good. We feed her every three hours and she eats close to 3 ounces every time. She is gaining weight like crazy, which should bring down the bili count but is not. We stay so busy so I'm so sorry if any of my friends or family feels neglected. We don't have time to breath at the moment!!
Now onto the fun stuff. Wells is loving her. He rocks her when we have her in the bassinet or her carseat. He also loves to take her pacis, which is not so fun for us! He is so full of life right now and is ALL BOY! So it is difficult with two babies FOR SURE!!! It is definitely harder than I ever imagined and have to pray all day. And right now my mom is helping me out a ton and Chris' mom is helping too. So what will I do when I'm on my own for a whole week? We'll see! As for now I appreciate any kind of help offered!!! I have to admit I've also already had lots of tears. Tears from hormones, tears from exhaustion, and tears because I miss my time with Wells. Claire is such a blessing and i love my time with her, but I just miss my one on one time with him as well. As you can see from the pictures, Claire loves her hands and loves to have them in her mouth or up by her face at all times! It's hilarious. She also loves to look around and see what's going on. She is really alert for a one week old!! We really think she has her own look and we can't tell who she'll look like yet. She definitely looks different from Wells.
We still can't believe we are parents of two!!! We will settle in soon and we know that we will adjust, but for now please pray with us. We want to enjoy both kids, enjoy each other, and try to have some sanity with very little sleep! And please continue to pray for Claire. I will keep you posted.
Hi from your Geelong family,
I was so excited to see this post as I was hanging out for news but I understand just how crazy and emotional life must be for you both.
We were thrilled to see photos of Claire and of the little Sheheane family ..how gorgeous and precious you all are!How cute Wells is with his little sister :)
We are praying for Claire and for you all as you get through these first few weeks.
Luv you all so much
Sue and the Ross Clan (VERY SOON to be ALL in AUS ....only 3 sleeps)xoxoxoxoxo
Oh Dana! She is so beautiful! I pray everything goes well with Claire's check-up tomorrow.
Hey, sweet girl,
Russell and I will pray together for you, Chris, Wells and Claire tonight. If I can come and help out in ANY way, let me know. Russell can keep rhys, and I'll be ALL YOURS. I mean it. Call me.
Love yall!
Okay, so I just looked at the collage of pics in close-up, and Wells is SO big!!!! :) And Claire is beautiful! I know it's got to be difficult right now...everything going in fast motion right now, but I want to encourage you and congratulate you and Chris on your sweet family!!
She is beautiful! You are right, she does look so different from Wells. Cole and Owen look and act so different from each other but that is what is great! It is amazing to think that God created 2 little beings that are so different yet are from the same parents. You will adjust it just takes time. Pretty soon - when Claire gets well- you will wake up and wonder what life was like with just 1...the same way you did after Wells was born. It is hard to imagine life without them. I hope Claire's bilirubin lowers and all returns to "normal" in your household. We are praying for you guys.
Claire is precious! I am so sorry that, on top of adjusting to 2 kids, there's been complications and worries. How sweet though that Wells is loving his baby sister! Keep hanging in there....As you get settled, I bet you'll still be able to find some alone time with Wells (while Claire naps, etc.). I know a lot of moms have a hard time with that. post an update soon...especially about Claire's rubin levels. Praying for ya'll!
Dana, whew! Just tired from reading your post. I can't imgaine how exhausted yet excited you are at the same time. Praying for strength and grace. Hang in there, this too shall pass. May the Lord your God be with you! He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you,He will quite you with His Love. He will rejoice over you! Love you and hope to hang out once Maggie Kate arrives!
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