Sunday, August 16, 2009
Okay, I need major help. Wells won't drink ANY milk. We've tried to make the transition from bottle to sippy cup and from formula to milk. We have been doing this for two weeks now. He wouldn't take formula from the sippy cup, but drinks water, juice,etc. great out of it. Well, then we began mixing his formula with the milk and he began to gag (i mean big time). So we were only putting once ounce of milk to 5 ounces of formula and we thought "there is no way he'll know there is milk in it." Well, wrongo. He knew immediately and pursed his lips together and turned his head...and yes, gagged. I have continued different types of milk (whole, organic, 2%, store brand, etc.) and I've tried tons of methods. This child is stubborn. Well, so a good friend told me to just give it up for a week and try again next week. So at that I felt relief and just decided today to go back to straight formula and not worry for a week. Well, the child won't drink the formula anymore b/c he thinks milk is mixed in there!!!!!!!! He is only drinking water and juice and not much of it. It's worrying me to death and I wish it wasn't. I have been told to try a little bit of chocolate syrup and see if that works. So i'm going to try that tomorrow I guess. He is also not sleeping at night anymore b/c he is not full (b/c of the lack of liquids). So he is stubborn and I"m worried...not a good combo. Please help!! Any advice is greatly appreciated!!! By the way, he also gags until he throws up with yogurt. Cheese is the only dairy he likes. So please send advice my way!!!! I am making Wells, Chris and myself crazy!!!! :)

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Have you tried different sippy cups? That was what helped with Reese. Give her a different kind than the one that he is drinking water or juice from. Straw cups worked with Reese, and now that she has learned to like milk, she will drinnk it from any cup. Also, try to find a white cup so he can't see the milk in it at first. Reese would throw the cup down if she could see the milk but not if she could see water. Hang in there. This is a big transition for the little ones.
have you gone back to the formula in the bottle or are you strictly on sippy cups? James was pretty stubborn about drinking milk/formula from a sippy cup so he had a bottle in the morning until he was almost 20 months old - then I weaned he and John-Mark on bottles all together. Also, is the temp of the milk an issue? We never warmed James' formula but we had to put milk in a bowl of hot water to get it to room temp so he would drink it at first. That's all I've got - but they are so fickle and it changes all the time! Once you get over one hurdle there always seems to be another! Hope he comes around soon!!
not that i am any help but just wanted to tell you i am kind of in the same place. as you know, nathan wont take ANYTHING from a bottle or sippy cup. he just now started taking maybe 4-5 sips of water from a sippy cup all day but thats it. i still nurse him in the morning and night but am hoping to stop that by the end of this month. so then where will he be getting the fluids? i just try and pack him full of fruit that is juicy. i also have a friend who is a pharmacist and big on "natural foods" and she doesnt give her son any milk ever. he just gets calcium from cheese, brocolli and vegetables and he likes yogurt. her pediatrician said that was fine. maybe dont worry about the milk and just give him water and juice for fluids and then a piece of toast with butter or something else kind of filling at night so he will feel full. i still dont know what nathan is going to do about fluids when i wean him but i will keep you up to date.
I feel your pain. We have been trying to make the transition for a couple of weeks also. I am only giving Owen 2 bottles (1 in the morning and 1 at night). Fortunately, we can mix it but only like 2 ounces of milk to 4 ounces of formula. This is terrible of me but I don't care if he takes a bottle I just want him off the formula. I am tired of buying it. We got our tubes on the 6th and he was great for 2 days...that isn't the story anymore. We haven't slept all weekend and all week. He screams all the time. I don't know what to do. We go back on Friday to the ENT and I am hoping he has an answer for me.
Grady did the same thing.He drank water fine out of the sippy but refused milk. the only liquid I would only offer was milk until he finally got thirsty enough to drink it. Just make sure he's having a wet diaper at least every 6-8 hours.
Hi Dana...I am hoping that you have figured this out...but if not, I also had to (sometimes still have to) warm Carter's milk for him to drink it from a sippy...especially in the morning. Also, I know you tried different types of milk, but have you tried Soy milk? Just a thought...maybe it is the dairy part he doesn't like...???? Hope he starts drinking milk soon, if he hasn't already!
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