Of course he always does, but I do not want to ever forget this. You all know we were shocked, then really excited about another one coming. My biggest fear was how we were going to be able to afford another nursery, more diapers, formula, etc. and then once we found out it was going to be a girl, all the precious clothes!! See, we have been so fortunate with Wells because we have had all of my nephew's clothes! I have not had to buy much of ANYTHING. Because there are no girls between my sister and I until now, there weren't going to be any hand-me-downs except the clothes my mom and my mother-in-law saved. Well now listen to the MANY things God has provided us with in the last month:
1) A GREAT friend works at a very nice children's store and bought Claire 13 (yes, 13!!!) outfits ranging from 0-9 months. She bought Wells 5 outfits too and barely let me pay her anything.
2) Another GREAT friend bought her other outfits, a paci clip, and books.
3) My sweet cousin is GIVING us one of her twins' cribs that they are getting out of soon.
4) My mom bought us a diaper changing table at a garage sale for cheap and repainted it.
5) I bought an old rocking chair (very good one) years ago at a garage sale for teaching purposes, and who knew I'd need it now!! The cushions are being recovered as we speak!
6) I found basically brand new Pottery Barn bumper pad and bedskirt at a garage sale for cheap
7) A good high school friend gave me all of her pj's and onesies for ages 0-18 months!!!
8) A good teacher friend gave me precious cotton outfits for next summer that were her daughters'.
9) My other sweet cousin gave me all her daughter's old smocked day gowns, dresses, and other outfits that will last until she is 2!!!
10) My sister is giving me an oval frame (and i was looking everywhere for the perfect one, when all along hers is the perfect size!!) that i am going to use above her crib. I just need to paint it!
I mean....wow!! wow!!! I hope I am not leaving anything out. But this has all happened when I was beginning to worry the most. I only had to spend 1/4 on Claire's nursery as I did on Wells'. I only had to pay for sheets, curtain panels, and some decorations. My only purchases left are a hamper for her laundry, some decor for the walls, and of course diapers (but that will be for the next 3 years!!). I just am in awe of how God has blessed us. We knew that little Claire was His plan all along b/c it definitely wasn't in our plan, but now He is proving that once again, He WILL provide.

That's awesome Dana! I always find that if we just wait a bit the Lord always has everything taken care of that we get so worried about. He wasn't surprised by little Claire's arrival and He's had all these things and more already taken care of- it's good to write all this down so next time you get in a "worried" situation you can reflect at all He has done and be confident He will continue to provide all your needs!
that is absolutely incredible, dana!!! what huge and wonderful blessings :) God is so faithful! Thank you so sharing and reminding us all of that beautiful fact.
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