Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Blessings

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Twas two Nights before Christmas at the Sheheanes
not a creature was stirring EXCEPT a FAT MOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes that santa claus soon would be there.
Wells was nestled all snug in Gay-Gay and dandaddy's bed,
while visions of mom and dad danced in his head.
Mama in her pj's and vedder in dad's lap,
had just settled down for a much needed nap (5 months worth)
When down in the kitchen arose such a clatter,
we sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
When what to our wondering eyes should appear,
but shredded up coupons and a rat struck with fear!!!!!!!!!!
I meant to post this last night. Okay, this is a TRUE story of what went on last night I hope you appreciate this. So Chris and I had our second night without wells (which was sad), so we could sleep. While my mom and dad were keeping Wells and we got home from dinner with best friends and we just couldn't wait to get in bed. Well, Chris decided to go check it out and come to find out, this rat was in our house!!!!!!!!! . And he had chewed up tons of coupons!!!!!!!! Now this could be God getting a good laugh b/c i've become so obsessed with coupons since we're on one salary. But seriously...TWO NIGHTS before Christmas!!! And the first night i've had to sleep in five months!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh!!! Poor chris had been banging pots and pans trying to catch this thing as it scurried around. And I was just laughing/crying in the bed!!!!!!!!! So i had to fill you all in because this poem just came into my mind as I was in my laughing stage!! So we can all laugh later!! So my first christmas married we had a bug infested tree, and this christmas we have a rat. just lovely!!!!! It's still not dead!! We might wake up Christmas morning to a rat on a trap! We ARE the griswalds. Love you all and Merry Christmas!!! Hope yours isn't as eventful as ours, but full of Christ and full of fun!!! Love you all! Have a Very Merry Christmas!! We can't wait to wake up with Wells in the morning. He is our Christmas gift this year. God really blessed us beyond words. I can't even imagine what Mary must have felt carrying our Lord and Savior because I couldn't imagine feeling any more love for a child than I feel for sweet Wells. Christmas is such an amazing time. This WILL be a Christmas to remember...in more ways than one!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Swag Bucks
Friday, December 12, 2008
Pictures with Santa!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Happy 4 Months Wells!

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving Weekend

Decorating for Christmas!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Friday, November 14, 2008
Play Group!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wells' Baby Dedication

Friday, October 31, 2008
Wells...aka...Curious George

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
More Pictures...More Fun!

Monday, October 6, 2008
Wells is Two months old...any advice??
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Lots of Pictures and Week 8 excitement!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Week 7 and the Two Month Check-up
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Week Six! still not sleeping!

Friday, September 5, 2008
Wells is One Month Old!

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Are you ready for some football?!!
We are definitely ready for some Alabama football!!! Check out this precious shirt from our friends Susan and Blake Russell. He is ready! And so is mama! Everyone keeps asking me if I am going to go through withdrawals not being at this first game. It's probably the first season opener I've missed in years!!! The answer is no, because I get to watch it with Wells! Chris keeps telling him that he hasn't met the real mama until he watches an Alabama game with me! We'll see! Roll Tide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Week 2 and 3- newborn pics and survival mode!
Before you read this, I wanted you all to see his precious newborn pictures! They'll only be online for another week or so. Go to http://www.stellaschreiber.com/ and go to client proofing and type in sheheane for the password.
Okay, so weeks two and three (he'll be three weeks monday) are together because of our crazy week! Maybe survival mode is a harsh title, but I'll fill you in on our week and you can see for yourself!! Well, we had to move in with my mom and dad on Sunday because we had to get a whole new air conditioning unit in our house and had to be out because of dust. We loved being at my parents and of course they were SUPER helpful, but moving out of our house with a two week old was quite the challenge. We felt like we packed everything but the kitchen sink. So that was stressful enough! Then on top of that, Wells didn't sleep so well at my parents. He didn't like their crib and would only sleep in his bassinet. So I had to sleep on their couch and get up LOTS when he wouldn't sleep. We did get to venture out and have a first walk in the stroller which was great! So major thanks to my parents for letting us come, but we are glad to be home because now he's doing great, sleeping tons, and happy as a lark! It's amazing how in only 2 weeks of life, he can get used to his home and his crib! We also had our first pediatric appt, this week. Wells weighed 8 lbs. 11 ouncces and was 21.5 inces long. He was in the 50% for weight, 60% for height (i laughed) and 25% for his head!! We hope that does not indicate his brain size!! Anyways everything else was pretty good. He still has sort of high jaundice levels, so we are praying those go down in the next couple of weeks. We also had my ten year reunion to go to all weekend since I had planned it all year. So with him being only 11 days old and me still in pain, we survived three events this weekend and Wells had both grandparents babysit. I was sad leaving him and in pain after an hour of each event, but I am so glad I went. It has taken me all week to recover though!! So all of this combined made it a very tiring week!! We are all doing great now and still just loving every minute with Wells! The pictures above are Wells with all his presents from my Australia family that I love and feel like are real family, Chris and Wells hanging out (they play and rest every night when chris comes home), chris and I before my reunion, and the last one is Wells with his cousin Max (my nephew) who loves him so much!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Week one with Wells
Okay, so week one was an amazing gift from God, but the most trying time of my life! We came home from the hospital with Wells having a high biliruben count, which means he had jaundice beyond the norm. Because it was so high, we had to have a phototherapy light for him to lay on (first two pictures) 24-7. He looked like a glow worm b/c it was an ultraviolet light underneath his whole body! We were only able to hold him to feed and change his diaper. It was for five days and it was so hard. Of course I cried because I wanted to hold my precious baby, but I also knew it would make him better. We had to feed, take temp, change diaper, and go back on the light within thirty minutes and we had to do this every 2 hours. So needless to say, we were wearing thin! Then, praise the Lord, his levels were great yesterday and they came and got the light. I didn't let Wells go all day! Today I woke up and cuddled him all morning and didn't even care about not sleeping. We have felt like new people since he's been off the light. Going three hours at a time before feeding again seems like forever compared to what we've been doing. By the way, he totally has his days and nights confused and thinks it's party time at night. But I cannot complain AT ALL because he is a precious angel. Right now he only cries when he gets changed and he just makes lots of funny noises when he wants to eat. So I know things can all change in a day, but I'm taking advantage right now. The bassinet he sleeps in all day is in the lower right hand corner and I just love it! He does too. He's in it half of the day. He loves to suck on his thumb and pacies, but check out how he sucks his thumb in the picture. He may take a while to figure things out! He's now been sleeping in his crib for two nights (at least for a couple of hours). He has also changed so much already. He started out looking just like chris, but now people have said he looks like me too! yeah!! We are loving every minute with him and thank God for this miracle. I'll try to post new pictures and stories every week or two. Thanks for all the love, encouragement, gifts, meals, time spent with us, and most of all for the prayers.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Wells is here!!!
Wells arrived Monday, August 4th at 5:34 p.m. after 25 hours of total labor time! He weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. And check out his profile...he is a carbon copy of Chris at the moment! Well, we know this is way past due! It's been a really long three/four days and the internet was only up for about 3 hours the whole time we were at Brookwood! As you can tell, we love him so much already. He has jaundice, which lots of little babies get, but we are praying it goes away. I'm also having a pretty hard recovery after the long long labor. So know that we appreciate the love and support so much!! It just may be a while before we can get into normalcy again with emailing and calls! We feel soooooooooooooo blessed and can't wait to share more stories and pictures. Thanks again for all the encouragement!!!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wells is coming Monday!
Monday, July 28, 2008
One week to Go! (maybe!)
I went in at 8:00 this morning to have an ultrasound. My amniotic fluid was great, Wells looked great, and then the sonographer said, "Have we discussed that you will have a big baby?" Then I started to sweat! She said he is measuring at 8 pounds 4 ounces now!!! It gets better... So then I went to my doctor's appointment and she just laughed! : ) She told me the ultrasounds can be off and that she thinks he is probably not that big YET. So she checks me out and still no progress...shocking. She tried to strip my membrane and Wells wouldn't cooperate. So then I went to have a stress test, and all was great. In the meantime, my doctor is trying to figure out what to do and I'm praying that I'm not going to deliver an 8 pound or bigger baby!! The doctor came back and said, "Do you want a c-section?" Well, I'm not the doctor and I really want whatever is best to happen so I didn't answer. My doctor was perplexed because my body size doesn't match up compared to the baby size and she realized he isn't budging ANY time soon. So the outcome is that she scheduled another appointment for me for Friday morning to check me again. If nothing has happened, I'm going in Sunday night to have a balloon cath (no clue what that is). I'll stay overnight and they'll induce me Monday morning at 6. If he is too big or won't come, we'll do a c-section after that. At least there is now a light at the end of the tunnel! I have 7 days or less at this point and for that I am thankful! I can't lie and say I'm not fearful of having to go through regular labor and then have a c-section after all, but I also know that God is in control and thank goodness He is!! Please help me to pray that I'll be patient and at total peace with it all and that Wells and I will be healthy as can be when it is all said and done! Thanks for the encouragement this far and for your sweet comments!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Today's Update
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
No News!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Wells' Nursery

Well, here it is! Many of you have asked for pictures and I finally took some tonight! Being type A, I wanted this finished a month before he was born and I did it! I have all of his clothes washed, bottles sterilized, and things put into drawers! I just wanted July to be full of rest and time to hang out with Chris, family, and friends before Wells arrives. I am really excited about his nursery and hope you love it too! I have to give a special thanks to Carrie Barrow who made the cute mobile and helped my mom and I put the nursery together. So many of you gave me the precious paintings, gifts, clothes, and other details you see in the room. So thank you so much! I just feel so blessed! Check out all the photos and enjoy! Chris was proud to at least get the baseball nightlight. He is also getting to hang a sepia colored baseball picture over the dresser. Those will be his touches. And for those of you who have known me since I was little, you are not seeing double! There are now two Muttsy's!!! Laura (mino) Verner, a precious lifelong friend, googled to find the original Muttsy so Wells could have one. It was sort of a joke, but it was so special to me!!! For those of you who don't know, Muttsy was the dog I slept with from fourth grade through college, literally. He was taken all over the world and lost MANY times (or taken and hidden...michele, lindsay, suzanne, alicia, and kathryn!) It is so hard to believe he will be in this room soon!! We are praying for a safe arrival into the world when the Lord is ready for him to come! We are so excited!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Our 2nd Anniversary and Nesting!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
A Shower to Remember!! : )

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Vestavia Hills Elementary Cahaba Heights Shower

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
My First Baby Shower!

It was such a blast!
Emily, Amy, Karen, and I- the shower was obviously for the 4 of us!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I've Been Tagged
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? I was finishing up my senior year at Vestavia Hills High School (and I'm planning the 10 year reunion now!!!)
2. 5 Things on my To Do List:
- check up on reunion stuff
- deal with someone who put fraud charges on our credit cards (fun)
- fill out cumulative files on each kindergarten student I have this year
- cook something ? : )
- watch grey's anatomy!!
3. 5 Snacks I enjoy:-triscuits and cheese, string cheese, pickles, ice cream, apple/peanut butter (can you tell I'm pregnant!!)
4. 5 Things I would do if I were a Billionaire:-
- support more people on staff with college ministries and tithe more
- buy chris a land rover (his dream car)
- move to house that had a tennis court and pool
- live on the beach in the summers
- pay off everyone's debt from these stupid gas prices
5. 5 Bad Habits:-
- biting my nails, - eating when i'm not hungry, - checking emails all the time, - worrying, -snoring (lately!!)
6. 5 Places I've Lived:-Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, Australia, Lake Tahoe, and Destin
7. 5 Jobs I've Had:-
- Fun Stuff gift shop retail worker
- babysitter (all of my life!)
- Campus Crusade for Christ staff
- Teacher
- Save the Dates-stationery business with robyn
Okay, so now I'm supposed to tag someone and it's Mary! Yeah! She will probably be the only one to read this, but Mary now you need to start a blog!!!! love you!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Great News From the Doctor
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
We're Having a Boy!!
We were very blessed to be able to go on a cruise last week to St. Thomas, St. Maarten, and Princess Cays (Bahamas). It was so beautiful and really beyond what I can describe. We really needed to take a trip before Wells arrives! It was as relaxing as it was amazing. Everyone needs to do this before they have a baby!!